- Brandy Clark Stripes 歌词
- Brandy Clark
你躺在那里什么也没穿 You were lyin' there with nothing on 咧嘴傻笑,旁边躺着一个金发妞儿 But a goofy little grin and a platinum blonde 我不敢相信你竟然背叛 I can't believe you'd do that on our bed 我拿着枪和子弹 I got a pistol and I got a bullet 怒气让我只想一枪崩了你 And a pissed off finger just'a itchin' to pull it 唯一使我保持冷静的 The only thing keepin' me from losin' my head . 是我不想进监狱穿那糟糕的橙色横条囚衣 Is I hate stripes and orange ain't my color 如果我今晚扣下了扳机 And if I squeeze that trigger tonight 我就不得不穿上那么一件 I'll be wearin' one or the other 糟糕的品味(指囚衣)不值得冲动的犯罪 There's no crime of passion worth a crime of fashion 饶你不死的唯一原因 The only thing savin' your life 是我讨厌监狱里毫无美感的橙色横纹 Is that I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes . . woah,woah,woah Woah, woah, woah . . 我可以和狱警调情 I could fall in love with the prison guard 在放风时倒卖香烟 I could sell cigarettes in the prison yard 狱中的生活并没有预想中那么艰难 Don't think hard time would be that hard on me 我可以安然地捡路对面的垃圾 I could pick up trash on the side of the road 但是却不甘心看到那个渣男 But I'd die if I saw someone I know 逃脱惩罚,身上的囚衣使我冷静下来 Ain't the chains, it's the clothes that's stoppin' me . . 我讨厌监狱里毫无美感的橙色横纹 I hate stripes and orange ain't my color 如果我今晚扣下了扳机 And if I squeeze that trigger tonight 我就不得不穿上那么一件 I'll be wearin' one or the other 糟糕的品味不值得冲动的犯罪 There's no crime of passion worth a crime of fashion 饶你不死的唯一原因 The only thing savin' your life 是我讨厌监狱里毫无美感的橙色横纹 Is that I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes . . 噢,一枪不值得一张糟糕的囚服照 Oh, and one shot ain't worth a bad mugshot 天知道我不想被别人看到举着编号牌 God knows I wouldn't be caught holdin' up a number 当全镇的人都盯着这张照片 While the whole town's starin' at the picture 在新闻报纸中的我穿着横纹囚服 In the paper of me wearin' stripes . . 糟糕的品味不值得冲动的犯罪 There's no crime of passion worth a crime of fashion 饶你不死的唯一原因 The only thing savin' your life 是我讨厌监狱里毫无美感的橙色横纹 Is that I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes 橙色根本不适合我 And orange ain't my color 如果今晚我扣动了扳机 And if I squeeze that trigger tonight 我就不得不穿上那么一件 I'll be wearin' one or the other 糟糕的品味不值得冲动的犯罪 There's no crime of passion worth a crime of fashion 饶你不死的唯一原因 The only thing savin' your life 是我讨厌监狱里毫无美感的橙色横纹 Is that I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes . . woah,woah,woah Woah, woah, woah, woah -belong to <12 stories>Brandy Clark .