- Kiana C PLAY BOY 歌词
- Kiana C
作词 Kiana.C 作曲Kiana.C 混音 BP 母带BP 录音 Jatom@Better Studio
What's try even did and die 什么可以让人不顾一切 I was in love with a guy 我不过陷入了一种爱恋 But this guy was never mind 但事实并非如此简单 He didn't love me like I 我爱的是一个梦幻的泡影 But now he is calling and calling 但我隐约听见他在呼喊我的名字 And he's feeling something there from me 他让我感到我们之间的故事还能延续 I will never live in his promises 反正我从不活在别人的承诺里 That's what I said before (he)kissed me again 在吻落下之前他也明了 Oh I am drowning in the ocean 怎么回事 ?我在一片深海中沉沦 Even now even betrayed by emotions by emotions 即使在他情绪的包裹下我难以脱身 I know when I lusted in his soft touch his body so hot 我心知肚明 只是留恋曾经温柔触感和炽热的身体 Hoe found out a reason I ain't need them I ain't need 如今也不再需要为自己找什么借口去掩饰
Rap: Come and get them B that IM in talent 就这么来到你们面前 天赋异禀 flying with the skies and I'm poping with my Taylor (Kiana.C的音乐发展深受说唱明星Lil skies和流行女神Taylor Swift的影响) Don't try to stop me B IM not joking 说实话 最好不要阻拦我的路 My name is meaning singger 《Seven rings》on my fingers 我名字意味着“歌手”手指带着满满七个戒指(Kiana.C超级喜欢唱Ariana Grade的歌) I don't talk about it I just let it done 废话不多说 做事就好 She was working when they tripping she still working now 他们在玩儿过家家 她在家学习 Don't try me niggers(aye) 她不好惹 What a pity (aye) 惹了你会后悔 Don't need any money 不需要你腰身万贯 金钱傍身 We were enjoy this party game 一起享受音乐就很好啦
Oh I am drowning in the ocean 我一片深海中沉沦 Even now even betrayed by emotions by emotions 即使在他情绪的包裹下我难以脱身 I know when I lusted in his soft touch his body so hot 我心知肚明 只是留恋曾经温柔的触感和炽热的身体 Hoe found out a reason I ain't need them I ain't need them 如今也不再需要为自己找什么借口去掩饰
What's try even did and die ie ie 什么可以让人不顾一切 I was in love with a guy uy uy uy 我不过陷入了一种爱恋 But this guy was never mind ind ind 但事实并非如此简单 He didn't love me like I I I I 我爱的是一个梦幻的泡影 But now he is calling and calling 但我隐约听见他在呼喊我的名字 And he's feeling something there from me 他让我感到我们之间的故事还能延续 I will never live in his promises 反正我从不活在别人的承诺里 That's what I said before (he)kissed me again 在吻落下之前他也明了
Oh I am drowning in the ocean 怎么回事 ?我在一片深海中沉沦 Even now even betrayed by emotions by emotions 即使在他情绪的包裹下我难以脱身 I know when I lusted in his soft touch his body so hot 我心知肚明 只是留恋曾经温柔触感和炽热的身体 Hoe found out a reason I ain't need them I ain't need them 如今也不再需要为自己找什么借口去掩饰了