- Chick en Chicks 徐志摩 歌词
- Chick en Chicks
- 作词:Kartina、蔡奇龙
why am i always looking for the clues when is my turn i'm waiting for my next bamboo this is tearing me apart maybe even eating up my heart
show me the way i should be playing through it's your eyes that i am so addicted to this is tearing me apart maybe even eating up my heart
管你徐志摩 都不许自摸 就算徐志摩 都帮我按摩 别吃 我 别碰 我
不要想太多 结果差太多 不是每个牌局运气都不错 别吃 我 别碰 我
bitch you gotta watch me i'll catch u later just tell me how you're feeling i'll do u a favour why aren't you showing your tiles why aren't you showing your tiles
管你徐志摩 都不许自摸 就算徐志摩 都帮我按摩 别吃 我 别碰 我
不要想太多 结果差不多 不是每个牌咖脾气都不错 别吃 我 别碰 我
轻轻的我摸了 正如我轻轻的来 我轻轻清一色 作弊人生的八台
悄悄的我胡了 正如我悄悄的来 我挥一挥衣袖 不带走一片云彩
just tell me how you're feeling just tell me how you're feeling…