- Stornoway You Take Me As I Am 歌词
- Stornoway
- I was nervous in the morning, in a car, a backseat driver
黎明破晓前的我惊慌失措,茫然地坐在车辆的后座 With a handful of the chapters from the stories we were starting 手中攥着一小撮我们故事开始的篇章 Every time you crossed the border where the water flows in cascades 每当你穿梭在水滴汇流成瀑布的边境 You were coming with your sister from your mother's in the valley 你总是和你的姊妹从你母上大人所处的人烟稀少的山谷走来 Where the calls of rooks and ravens are the only thing you hear 伴随着你所能感受的白嘴鸦以及渡鸦的呼唤 As you imagine yourself living with no phone or electricity 正如你梦寐以求的世外桃源一般
我们向着友人所处的偏远村镇缓步走去 We were headed to the outpost where our friends had all assembled 路旁的乔木也紧附彼此以安然地迎接我们的洗礼 To receive us in our glory, where the trees cling for their safety 于这天涯海角,鸟禽竟也环绕在我们上空 From the edge of the world, and the birds revolved around us 应和着海浪吮吸我们的誓言的悦音 As the sea swallowed our vows 在我们纯洁友谊晋升伴侣往后,我们开始定居在海边的白石小木屋 And after we were married we went to our white stone cottage 你开始更替你简朴的衣裙,眼泪也随之坠入我心 And you took your simple dress off, and your tears fell in my eyes 彼此经受爱情的一切奇遇,使之无比感动 As we were overcome with wonder at the love around us 你将我视作现存鲜活无比的我,并努力驱使偏正我成为 You take me as i am and turn me into someone 从这坚岩走下,飞跃海洋的心上良人 Who could step right off this rock and fly out across the ocean 缘因我将死之人,种种皆非浪费 'Cos if i were to die today, then it wasn't all a waste 你尽情地享受着当下的我,权当我的过错与过失令你郁郁寡欢 You take me as i am, for all my faults and problems 你铸就了一个承风受雨的我 And you build me to withstand every gust and every gale 倘若,我真的知晓我是一个行将消逝之人,我会欣然地满足我的生活 And if i knew i was going to die, well i'd be satisfied 来者熙熙,去者攘攘。活在当下是无比的精彩 'Cos we've shared this moment 余生的第一个黎明破晓前,我们将远离这‘’固执迂腐‘’的房屋 On the first night of our future we left the house in convoy 伴随着转角的曙光女神涤荡漫天辰星 As aurora in the corner started sweeping up the stars 我们漫无目的地促膝长谈,围炉夜话 And we were talking all in whispers for no reason we could think of at all 穿行于初绽岩表的野蕨 As we clambered through the bracken on our way up to the outcrop 迎面微风轻拂着金雀花,湛蓝海滨仿佛世界奇物拼图的一部分 Where the wind shakes the gorse and the coast looks like a jigsaw piece 晨晖徐徐,霓虹雾粉混杂着薰衣草香的淡紫以及成熟金黄的气息 The sun rose up around us, all neon pink and purple and gold 悬崖之顶目光下放,水流依偎在海岸线身旁
它不知自身的湍流不息,未能感知我们的存在 And way down below the clifftop, the sea broke on the shoreline 世界万物各司其职 Without hearing itself roar, without knowing we were here 正如你的谆谆教诲 'Cos it was only doing what it was supposed to, as 使我向着岩下,向着海的对岸眺望,令我心驰神往 You take me as i am and turn me into someone 假使我已苟延残喘,那么一切都是理所应当 Who could step right off this rock and fly out across the ocean 你开始留恋现在活跃灵动的我,权当我的过错与过失令你忧心忡忡 'Cos if i were to die today, then it wasn't all a waste 你成就了一个负弩前驱的我 You take me as i am, for all my faults and problems 倘若,我真的知晓我已奄奄一息,我会淡然自若 And you build me to withstand every gust and every gale 与你共存一世已是莫大荣幸 And if i knew i was going to die, well i'd be satisfied 你珍爱现存勃勃生机的我,权当我的过错与过失令你愁云惨淡 'Cos we've shared this moment 你揉捏了一个负重致远的我 Oh, you take me as i am, for all my faults and problems 若我知晓我已气若游丝,我会颂生活以赞歌 And you build me to withstand every gust and every gale 与你形影不离我已甘之如饴,甘心如芥 And if i knew that i was going to die, well i'd be satisfied 过往佳人陌如生人,一奏倾情深埋吾心 Oh, because we've shared this moment 若是郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。倘使同居长千里, 两小无嫌猜。 Once you were a stranger, but i struggle to remember 靡不有初,鲜克有终。投我以桃,报君以李 Now i picture us as children many years before i met you On the first day of my life, when the day broke like an empty page