- LooseChain Scar 歌词
- LooseChain
- Never feel so lonely
I Never thought that it would go that far That the dark inside would own me Pulling me away from my own heart Please don't touch my scars Promise you won't touch my scars Cuz the beast behind those bars Might just tear us both apart
如果你问我 哪样最难得蹦脱 最常出现在你梦里是啷 maybe 那些被我改变了轨迹的生活 我说的是maybe 嘿嘻 我脚抬起本意是离开 但其伤害像扫腿 如果你摔跤真是因为我 为啷我牵你走了啷远最后要让你跌倒 喂 wait now this 你提了我妹 猜对了一半 戳中我软肋 但你想过结果没得 插进我软肋的刺也拉出了你的内脏 bee(蜜蜂) ya tch 你认为你是哪个 管你蹦的野迪 还是坐的卡座 管你刚会说话 还是说不出话 只要我看到你的恶意(卾E) 老子徒步追你到宜昌 一张一张我烧给你 容易得很 找个beat 怨气太深 我帮你 超个度 我帮你 找个数 我说邦尼 快跑咯 算逑 管你谁谁 我们归一(结束)了 在第一个verse 是的我们归一了 在第一个verse
Never feel so lonely I Never thought that it would go that far That the dark inside would own me Pulling me away from my own heart Please don't touch my scars Promise you won't touch my scars Cuz the beast behind those bars Might just tear us both apart
yeah 卵才听 板上钉嘞钉 老娘做事说话让你胆战心惊 数个星星 呵呵 话已经摆这了 你哪个时候崩溃交给时间来定 我做的仅有埋下伏笔 如果只为了出口气 早就足够了 还没死透啊 I mean w the f 离开我他居然生活不变还是该透照透啊 我从来没得否认过我做的卵事 但你提八竿子打不着的 客气得像讲师 还要我反思 想尿我还怕出闪失 事实是啷你屌都不屌huh? 面对你的挑衅 我尽量该撤的撤退 把心收在房间 眼里满桌子的设备 但我最近听说是啷哈 让我弟兄传话当初为啷看上我这人渣 now that's disrespect 游戏早就开始还舍不得洗上把嘞牌 把你现任当摆设 高谈阔论你摆这 趾高气扬评论我 你脚下是道德 麻烦你再想咬住我不放的时候 多想哈我和你已经分开几个年头 考虑哈你现在讲我合适与否 多照照镜子看哈你现在算个浪球
Never feel so lonely I Never thought that it would go that far That the dark inside would own me Pulling me away from my own heart Please don't touch my scars Promise you won't touch my scars Cuz the beast behind those bars Might just tear us both apart