- Olivver the Kid Not Going Home 歌词
- Olivver the Kid
- I'm not one thing
我不是一个人 You're not one thing, either 你也不是一个人,同我一样 I saw something fill our souls with ether 我发现有东西用以太填满我们的灵魂 You'd do anything just to please her 为了取悦于她 你愿意做任何事情 A person made of beautifully flawed pieces 精巧美丽又有瑕疵的一个人 Accept not knowing how to change another 接受 只因不知道如何改变他人 Accept accepting you don't know 接受 那些你未知的事物 Feeling so vile 感觉如此糟糕 Feeling so hungry 感觉如此饥饿 I'm running on fumes but there's still no stopping, no 我在烟雾中奔跑,但始终达不到终点,达不到 Midnight hour and the bed looks comfy and I'm not going home 午夜时分床看上去很舒服 而我还不打算回家
奋不顾身地爱,全心信赖某个人 Loving fully, putting trust in someone 一旦彻底失去,对所有人都失去了信任 Losing fully, losing trust in everyone 我以为我已拥有它,全世界都是我的 I thought I had it, thought the world was mine 你知道得更清楚 因而从容不迫 You knew better and you took your time 我感觉好陌生 I feel stranger 比以往任何时候都陌生 Stranger than I ever knew 忠诚信任那些比你我强大的事物 Putting faith in something bigger than me, bigger than you 比我强大 Bigger than me 感觉如此糟糕 Feeling so vile 感觉如此饥饿 Feeling so hungry 我在烟雾中奔跑,但始终达不到终点,不 I'm running on fumes but there's still no stopping, no 午夜时分床看上去很舒服 而我还不打算回家 Midnight hour and the bed looks comfy and I'm not going home 感觉如此糟糕
感觉如此饥饿 Feeling so vile 我在烟雾中奔跑,但始终达不到终点,达不到 Feeling so hungry 午夜时分床看上去很舒服 而我还不打算回家 I'm running on fumes but there's still no stopping, no 感觉如此糟糕 Midnight hour and the bed looks comfy and I'm not going home 感觉如此饥饿 Feeling so vile 我在烟雾中奔跑,但始终达不到终点,达不到 Feeling so hungry 午夜时分床看上去很舒服 而我还不打算回家 I'm running on fumes but there's still no stopping, no Midnight hour and the bed looks comfy and I'm not going home