- 孟大宝 像科比一样 (纪念科比退役一周年) 歌词
- 孟大宝
- 译/布衣兔
编曲/孟大宝 打开CCTV 太多窒息的消息 Annoying news here and there in sight 幸好还能回味你的影迹 luck for us to have you ever in mind 你后仰的画面如此美丽 fadeaway handsome as paint 随时让人高潮迭起 the tide is high at any time 你告别的模样云淡风轻 Your gentle wave of saying goodbye 我却不由泪如雨滴 I could not help but cry
你告诉我不服就干是生活真谛 You tell me life is all or nothing 挥霍天赋未免太过可惜 never waste your talent or passion 从不讳言是个科蜜 Always proud of be your fan 被叫60亿也不介意 even as one of the six billion band
学你凌晨四点风中奔跑一跃而起 running and leaping at 4 am the way you did 路人骂我 有病要医 despite they saying "are you sick?" 学你单枪匹马仗剑独行世界为敌 being a lone hero the way you were 朋友笑我 强行装逼 despite they joking “don't be so sure" 学你付出所有拼尽全力只为胜利 giving it all away just for winning 篮筐呻吟 火花四溢 the basket moaning and the floor shaking 偏执自我 换来四处碰壁 lone hero as I hit walls one after another 才发现 学你并不容易 till I found it no easy job to be Kobe Bryant 他们说 曼巴精神都是放屁 they say Kobe Mentality is no big deal 呵 我只 微笑不语 I would say no comment and put on a smile 他们说 一切星星都会过去 they say there's no everlasting stars 其实不懂 唯一的定义 but we all know who is the only shining one 呐呐呐呐呐 lalalalalalala 关掉CCTV 想起陪你 成长 的轨迹 Thinking of the way we grow as brother 孤独的我 懂偏执的你 we are as lonely and stubborn as each other 那是此生 最美的回忆 yet gone are the days of best memories 感谢一路有你让我屡败 屡战不再恐惧 I just wanna thank you for keeping on fight 陷入绝境 也有战斗的勇气 even trapped in the long dark night.