- Yoari Reason 歌词
- Yoari
- 编曲 : 김범주/김시혁
所有记忆 纷纷涌现 All this memories rise 而滴滴泪珠 徐徐缓缓 The teardrop flowing 由你脸颊滑落 down your face 笼罩在面纱后的笑容 Smile behind the veil 直指我的心脏 Aim for my heart 我心知 将会疼痛不已 I know it will hurt 而这时 你所唯一需要谨记的 All you need to know this time 便是度过此夜后 Through this night 我们必将克服一切 we’ll rise above 由此 你就能知晓 Then you’ll know 该如何去纠正不足 how to make it right 我再一次与你共呼吸 同进退 I’m breathing with you again 你能寻得的唯一方法 Only way you could find 努力去探寻因由所在 Searching for reasons why 让我来予你指示 平安度过此夜 Let me just lead you through this night 这无尽的时光 划上句点 End of this endless time 唯有我们 能再憧憬期许一回 Only we could dream once more 伤痛苦楚 会持续令你低迷不振 Constantly pain will drag you down 哪怕穿过迷宫 豁然开朗 Though this maze 也不会将疑团轻松解开 wouldn’t end up now 我想找到你的所在 I want to find you now 在这条漫漫长路 On this way 我想说的事 仅此一件 One thing I want to say 请为我 而认真地侧耳聆听 Hear me out listen to my voice 机不可失 时不再来 Chances never come back 当一切烟消云散 When It’s gone 你就会明白 都已结束 You’ll know it ends 在某个时间点 我可否与你相见 Will I see you at some point 而当那时 我能否拥你入怀 Could I embrace you this time 在曲折弯绕 好似迷宫的路径间 In this twisted labyrinth path 我们能寻得的唯一方法 Only way we could find 努力去探寻因由所在 Searching for reasons why 让我来予你指示 平安度过此夜 Let me just lead you through this night 这无尽的时光 划上句点 End of this endless time 唯有我们 能再憧憬期许一回 Only we could dream once more 伤痛苦楚 会持续令你低迷不振 Constantly pain will drag you down 哪怕穿过迷宫 豁然开朗 Through this maze 也不会将疑团轻松解开 wouldn’t end up now 我想找到你的所在 I want to find you now 在这条漫漫长路 On this way 我再一次与你共呼吸 同进退 I’m breathing with you again 努力去探寻因由所在 Searching for reasons why 让我来予你指示 平安度过此夜 Let me just lead you through this night 这无尽的时光 划上句点 End of this endless time 唯有我们 能再憧憬期许一回 Only we could dream once more 伤痛苦楚 会持续令你低迷不振 Constantly pain will drag you down 哪怕穿过迷宫 豁然开朗 Through this maze 也不会将疑团轻松解开 wouldn’t end up now 我想找到你的所在 I want to find you now 在这条漫漫长路 On this way