- 何点儿suhe 救生衣(Life Vest) 歌词
- 何点儿suhe
- Baby been ten hours years
and I have been no time cheers We got do the thing time so rush the mess havent done so much Baby been ten hours years and I have been no time cheers We got do the thing time so rush the mess havent done so much We got do the thing Spread my wings I’m just a girl dont know what ur mean I hate ur gold chain Sorry but I but I love her Life vest 穿上Life vest 不止为了自保穿上Life vest (x2) 028到0731 多少故事消失在了记忆的点 有多少歌又在流产顺血液慢慢蔓延 眼前是什么是泪水渐渐地模糊了视线 life goes on we should run fast 每天都在安慰自己别再害怕 please fasten seat belt 求你别在胆怯 最后一次尽全力到力竭 就像“爱情 不止三十六计” 你会发现一切都在离你渐渐远去 是谁的牵线戏 顺着谁的意愿牵着鼻子走 祈祷着妈咪哄 被破事发了愁 Life vest 穿上Life vest 不止为了自保穿上Life vest (x2) 当故事还在继续 时间在流逝除了洛希极限 不是在浪费力气 是我心甘情愿连自己都骗 犯 贱 好与不好都是你自己决定的 你想要的东西 当然没有捷径的 只是浮光掠影 而现实都很绝情 抵达成功的彼岸 只有你翻山越岭 If you really think about it Everyone who drop u down It’s no mean xN 哒哒哒 这里是四川航空 现在为您播报 还有30分钟降落请别离开座位 保持好安全带 是系好的状态 若发生紧急情况 救生衣在下方座位 Baby been ten hours years and I have been no time cheers We got do the thing time so rush the mess havent done so much Baby been ten hours years and I have been no time cheers We got do the thing time so rush the mess havent done so much We got do the thing Spread my wings I’m just a girl dont know what ur mean I hate ur gold chain Sorry but I but I love her Life vest 穿上Life vest 不止为了自保穿上Life vest (x2)