- Easy Life Dead Celebrities 歌词
- Easy Life
- I don't wanna play out
根本不想出去遛弯 Chose the greatest day to come to L.A 挑好日期,直飞洛杉矶 Make sure the door doesn't hit me on the way out 确保前路畅通 11 hour trip on a plane, well that's a very long way for a day out 好吧,11小时的飞行路程真花时间 In a city full of suicide dreams, movie stars and scenes 在这座城,自杀倾向肆意弥漫,电影明星和电影场景随处可见 Plastic cemetries 塑料垃圾的葬身地 Throw the stars on the floor, walk the golden mile 暴殄天上的星星铺衬地上的星光大道 Some drenched in camomile kisses 情侣们沉浸在亲密的亲吻中 Broken bones and wishbone wishes 破灭的幻想和还未实现的愿望 All you can eat, take no a bow, no fomo, no sleep 礼乐崩坏,自由放纵,睡眠剥夺,总结我的体验 Can a woman teach me how to be the man? 更别说让柔弱的女性教我如何成为真正的男人 Tropicana and sand, all I ever wanted was a jam 热带风情和沙滩,水泄不通的车道 All I never needed was a plan 大失所望
与众多超模入座警车后座 Riding with models in the back of a cop car 从五星酒店顶层跳入泳池 Jumping the pool from the roof of a 5-star 幻想一下,没准哪天能实现呢 And one day I could be 不过是遥远的梦罢了 A distant memory 点燃我在富人区的别墅 Setting fire to my house in the hills 再用香槟和药丸将大火扑灭 Extinguish the flames with some champagne and pills 如果我有幸成为 If you let me I could be 你的死亡明星 Your dead celebrity 我愿流芳百世
在二十七个俱乐部签下我会员地位 I don't wanna fade out 每个人都想从我这寻求一条出路 Sign my membership for the 27 club 当我慌忙掩盖我的行踪 Everyone around me wants a way out 我该担心我的丑闻还是支出呢? When I'm struggling to cover my tracks 当我在秒针的滴答间坐拥一切 Should I be worried 'bout the scandal or the pay out? (Scandal or the pay out?) 从我的把柄和经典的自我之旅中溜走 When everything I own is on tick 回到圣卢西亚,走在金色大道上 And slipping through my grip, my classic ego trip 浅吻也能使一些情侣们沉浸其中 Go back to LC, walk the golden mile 枯木逢春,世事无常,也难怪 Some drenched in dry-lip kisses 如传单般随手丢弃,三个晚上便毫无踪影 Some hits and some near-misses, oh well 在2016年,这时常发生 We'll be dropping like flies, gone in three nights 人人活得如行尸走肉 2016, it happens sometimes 与众多超模入座警车后座 Not everyone lives but everyone dies 从五星酒店顶层跳入泳池
幻想一下,没准哪天能实现呢 Riding with models in the back of a cop car 不过是虚无缥缈的梦罢了 Jumping the pool from the roof of a 5-star 一把火点燃我在富人区的别墅 And one day I could be 再用香槟和药丸将大火扑灭 A distant memory 如果我有幸成为 Setting fire to my house in the hills 你的死亡明星 Extinguish the flames with some champagne and pills 但我总把这设想得很远,很远 If you let me I could be 以至于没想到我将接近终点 Your dead celebrity 我需要的只有尊重
可能死后才能享有 But I always take it too far, too far 如果让我成为 Hard to know when I'm close to the end 你的死亡明星 All I need's respect Maybe I'll get it when I'm dead
If you let me I could be Your dead celebrity