- Rockiii 冷漠世界 歌词
- Rockiii
MIX:SLIM DYANE i really really like a psycho But I don’t now why falling in the ice cold you dropping down and that my heart broke 都是我的错than you know what I feel Do you wanna more shinning like a hero I am not alone highing with my nice bro keeping all the world is the time for my show running on my tour I am the lord apollo 尽管会很累 一切都会pay me 彩虹色玫瑰 送给我的baby 说过了很多 灵魂不断下坠 这世界很冷漠 还会再去say hey dreaming put down your loyalty on me than we Made it My homie all got energy faded 你像是个未解的谜 我穿梭在黑洞中心无影踪过了几个世纪 等到末日过后吞下无尽的星空 梦会有多痛 baby i am feel alone 躺下放轻松 思维在逐渐冰冻 涣散的瞳孔 记忆塞满的空洞 终究做得到 也希望以后错的少 跌倒再去跑 跑到彗星的轨道 太阳半山腰 黎明就会出的早 银河在闪耀不想再去被打扰 时间已经全部变了样 世纪末剩我一个在臆想 还在想到底怎么样 还在想要我怎么样 Do you wanna more shinning like a hero I am not alone highing with my nice bro keeping all the world is the time for my show running on my tour I am the lord apollo 尽管会很累 一切都会pay me 彩虹色玫瑰 送给我的baby 说过了很多 灵魂不断下坠 这世界太冷漠 还会再去say hey 这世界只剩下黑白 太多阴霾 只希望一直有你在 放平心态 要说的多 还要去做 时间她停不下来 one to the four 别再啰嗦 还要做还要错都是我太爱 冷酷的我 losing my time 丢个脸赚个钱许个愿谎言到底要去怎么圆 那抱个歉我想你已经千万遍 Do you wanna more shinning like a hero I am not alone highing with my nice bro keeping all the world is the time for my show running on my tour I am the lord apollo 尽管会很累 一切都会pay me 彩虹色玫瑰 送给我的baby 说过了很多 灵魂不断下坠