- 琳Jadeite 歌词 Remond (AKA modern.tempo) ZConDaBeats Aether赵悦凌
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- Aether赵悦凌 琳Jadeite 歌词
- Remond (AKA modern.tempo) ZConDaBeats Aether赵悦凌
- 编曲 : Aether赵悦凌/ZConDaBeats
他们可以千方百计向我靠拢 但我遥不可及 They try to figure out the way that we made it 心有所愿 也要付诸努力使之成真 Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it 我身上散发的光芒来自积年累月的琢磨 "翡翠" 即使惊天动地 我也仍保持谦逊 说十句keep it real有九个都是吹嘞 如切 如磋 如琢 如磨 我才懒得听他们几爷子嘞鬼扯 胸襟高远 从容自若 炫彩夺目 [00:23.951] 即使无人为你撑腰 也要行正确的事 Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye 因为大多数人庸碌无为 而传奇只由少数创造 which type,king-size,maybach ye 我清朗澄澈 坦诚待人 风华 绝代 没白学 如果你成功将我扼杀 我的灵魂也只会升华 衣宽 解带 千回百转 人们问我:“你为何宁可内心沉郁也愿运筹帷幄? [00:36.701] “为何不袖手旁观 令一切自行发展?” We born to be the jade the 让我告诉你答案 翡翠 众所周知 善恶界限永远无法明辨 shine like 但你若不行一善 终将酿成平庸之恶 彗核 我已把油箱加满 我将领跑这场比赛 引着身后彗尾 没有任何支援 照顾我的只会是我自己 燃尽所学 虽九死其犹未悔 画图岁久或湮灭,重器千秋难毁 [00:50.702] 笃定 无虑 珍贵得 像是块璞玉 钓名 沽誉 孤身我 细嗅这馥郁 宝玉 未雕 归"赵"才 被召觐 落笔 挥毫 谁了解 "未了情" 当是 壮年的信平 廉颇 未老矣 敢来犯我 今日必奉 陪到底
仍是 没留给 自己有 退路 反复在 寻觅着 来时的 归宿 向穹顶 无休止 翻新的 倍数 揭示开 抛光前 表层的帷幕
便像是 姜太公 在江边 随缘而 垂钓 功成与 名就事 交付给 谁料 我只管 鞠躬尽 瘁不求 回报 玉碎般 灰飞烟 灭才为 最傲美
Look how made it 翻订了规则 天赋嘞堆叠 扫平了威胁 点亮了辉夜 南辕我北辙 百折千回我亦归 踏雪寻梅
They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it "翡翠" 说十句keep it real有九个都是吹嘞 我才懒得听他们几爷子嘞鬼扯
Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye which type,king-size,maybach ye 风华 绝代 没白学 衣宽 解带 千回百转
They can kiss my A-hole, call it Jade-A-Kiss Working hard to make it happen ‘cause I made a wish Got that bright glow from years and years of polish Despite the light show I’m still being modest I’m jade-like, jade-like, jade-like, yeah Ain’t shy, aim high, I shine, yeah Do the right thing, even though nobody’s behind you ‘Cause most of them are average, legends are made by few I’m clear as crystal, ain’t playing no fiddles If you blow me with a pistol, then this soul shall rest in heaven They say, “why you have to be a sad man with rad plans?” “Why can’t just stand by and let it naturally happen, even though it’s a bad end?” And let me tell you why Good and evil, they can never clearly be divided You’ll be doing wrong if you ain’t doing nothing right Wheels are gassed up, I’ll outrun y’all Ain’t got backup, gotta look after myself
Aether: They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it "翡翠" 可这世间太多东西不是非黑即白 我只甘心做朵凌风中嘞玫瑰
I’m like jadite 冠绝当世 风华绝代 I’m like jadite 终不悔我衣宽渐带 I’m like jadite head - to - toe i’m holy jade white Jadeite
They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it "翡翠" 说十句keep it real有九个都是吹嘞 我才懒得听他们几爷子嘞鬼扯
Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye which type,king-size,maybach ye 风华 绝代 没白学 衣宽 解带 千回百转