- Ólöf Arnalds Crazy Car 歌词
- Ólöf Arnalds
- Dearest, dearest here's a song
最亲爱的 最珍贵的 我有一首歌 Beautiful, so bright and young “你 美丽 明亮 年轻 You got mojo, you got soul 你 有着原始的魔法 与深处完整的灵魂 full of colours, pearls and poetry 浸透着色彩 珍珠与诗歌 Climbing over cemetery walls 能让灰暗墓地恢复生机 蔓生笑语 Watering the sea 能将波澜灌注干涸大海 Fire is fire, that is all 一簇灼烧的火 如此 Don't go in the crazy car 但不要坐进那辆疯狂的车 Stream of gold from your guitar 盈盈闪烁的金色泉水 倾泻自你的吉他 Good old, good old Lolita 哦 善良的洛丽塔 不要惧怕衰老 You're a diva, you are strong 你是永不倒下的缪斯 Baby, what the hell is wrong? 但 亲爱的 是怎么了 What is wrong with vanity? 有个声音对你说 ‘浮华 虚荣本身有什么错? Why not just embrace it? 为什么不先坠入其中再作评价呢? A pop star is a pop star 不就是成为受追捧的流行明星?’ Don't go in the crazy car 亲爱的 别坐进那辆疯狂的车 Please be aware of the crazy car 要警惕它 Please don't go to America 哦 不要离开往走美国 Here's your home, here are your friends 这里才有你真正熟悉的家与友人 waiting still, until this ends 静下来 耐心点 等候 浮躁会散去 Please, please think inside the box 请 独自去想一想 Only for a moment 不会很久 We have made it a circle shaded 你看 人生就像一个圆圈 只是有些地方被遮蔽了有些许诱人而已” for you (这首歌)献给你 Don't go in the crazy car “别坐进那辆疯狂的车” Don't go in the crazy car “别坐进那辆疯狂的车” Don't go in the crazy car “别坐进那辆疯狂的车” Don't go in the crazy car 亲爱的 别坐进那辆疯狂的车