- Wolf Alice Soapy Water 歌词
- Wolf Alice
- --Verse 1
I wash my face with soapy water 用肥皂水洗干净我的脸 Disguise the tears cause you're somebody's daughter 对这眼泪感到恶心,因为你是某个人的女儿 And they don't ever wanna see you cry 就因为他们不想看到你哭泣 Anxiety's grip is always waiting to take me 焦虑一直在伺机扼紧我 Sits in my stomach, I fear it's starting to shape me 它就在我的胃里,我总怕它将让我变得不是我 It's hard to live when you're scared to die 当你害怕死亡时,生活会变得异常艰难
--Chorus 如果要坐以待毙 If I'm gonna sit and wait then I might as well 那倒不如主动请求魔鬼本人的帮助 Ask for the hand of the devil himself 我觉得背后有她的笑声,但我也不敢肯定 I thought I heard her laugh but it was hard to tell 请看向我的眼睛,看我距崩溃有多么接近 So look into my eyes and see how close I am to crack 但他们只是说完你好,再也没有回头 But they just say hello and never look back 我觉得他们好像在说着什么,但我无法听清 I thought I heard them talk but it was hard to catch
迷信让我失去理智 --Verse 2 将手伸向额头,为我的灵魂祈祷(天主教祈祷手势) Superstition has me out of control 我祈愿这并不是我的想象,但我的灵魂已经这样苍老 Touch my head and bless my soul 因为没有什么能够治愈悲惨的命运对你的伤害 I pray it ain't a feelin' but my soul is just old 女巫的药片(抗抑郁的药)不能,爱人的亲吻也不能 Cause nothing heals, misery's fist 如果生活是轻松的,那还叫什么生活 No witches pill, no lovers kiss If life is easy then what is this? 如果我要坐以待毙
那倒不如主动请求魔鬼本人的帮助 --Chorus 我觉得背后有她的笑声,但我也不敢肯定 If I'm gonna sit and wait then I might as well 请看向我的眼睛,看我距崩溃有多么接近 Ask for the hand of the devil himself 但他们只是说完你好,再也没有回头 I thought I heard her laugh but it was hard to tell 我觉得他们好像在说着什么,但我无法听清 So look into my eyes and see how close I am to crack But they just say hello and never look back 抽一口烟,慢慢吐出来 I thought I heard them talk but it was hard to catch 在镇外找个住的地方
重新开始,剪去你的头发 --Breakdown 你想弄懂爱是什么,但爱太难于经营 Have a smoke, put it out (我会的,我会努力地去照料爱) Search for rooms, out of town 选择一个宗教,选择一项该死的运动 Start again, cut your hair 去找某件能让你忘记这些想法的事情 You've wondered love, but it's hard to care 你也许会利用好每一刻的时间,保持身体的健康 (I'll care, I'll try to care) 但这依然不对,还有什么东西藏在背后蠢蠢欲动 Choose a religion, choose a goddamn sport Go find something to eradicate these thoughts 如果我要坐以待毙 You might not waste time, and keep good health 那倒不如主动请求魔鬼本人的帮助 But that's not it, theres something else 我觉得背后有她的笑声,但我也不敢肯定
请看向我的眼睛,看我距崩溃有多么接近 --Chorus 但他们只是说完你好,再也没有回头 If I'm gonna sit and wait then I might as well 我觉得他们好像在说着什么,但我无法听清 Ask for the hand of the devil himself I thought I heard her laugh but it was hard to tell So look into my eyes and see how close I am to crack But they just say hello and never look back I thought I heard them talk but it was hard to catch