- Run The Jewels Legend Has It 歌词
- Run The Jewels
- Hear what I say, we are the business today
你就听我说吧,我们今天是出来办事儿的 Fuck shit is finished today (what) 这些煞笔玩意儿今天都得做个了断(你说啥) RT & J, we the new PB & J 旋转跳跃(return jump)我们就是最新的花生酱果冻(peanut butter jelly) We dropped a classic today (what) 我们今天就要写本名著(你说啥) We did a tablet of acid today 我们今天嗑了一小块酸 Lit joints with the matches and ashes away 用火柴照亮了侦查地形并且灰飞烟灭 SKRRRT! We dash away 我勒个去!赶紧跑啊! Donner and Dixon, the pistol is wrapped on the way 唐娜和迪克森你俩准备好,信号枪已经在路上了
死亡之神啊 Doctors of death 正在用娇喘给咱的病人治病 Curing our patients of breath 我们是实实在在的痛苦 We are the pain you can trust 连工作的时候都没个正形 Crooked at work 那些垃圾诅咒和诽谤都被我炒菜用了 Cookin' up curses and slurs 来一口烟儿我的脑瓜子就成浆糊了 Smokin' my brain into mush 为了烧死你们这些二愣子我才变得出名 I became famous for flamin' you fucks 用点破灌木丛就像挡住老子的路? Maimin' my way through the brush 我和我的弟兄们都不是驯出来的 There is no training or taming of me and my bruh 人模狗样的但我确实是个原始人 Look like a man, but I'm animal raw 我们是残忍的哼哈二将
蹲个号子都能把杀人犯给杀了 We are the murderous pair 我们还去地狱找那些魔鬼了 That went to jail and we murdered the murderers there 顺便捎了点难受和绝望 Then went to Hell and discovered the devil 这些本来都是我拿来吸粉的 Delivered some hurt and despair 现在我却只能飞他个好几斤叶子 Used to have powder to push 我去,我还把挡路的灌木丛给tm烧了 Now I smoke pounds of the kush 这下好了我他娘的啥也不在乎了 Holy, I'm burnin' a bush 宝石贩子没完没了的跟个煞笔一样 Now I give a fuck about none of this shit 哎呀! Jewel runner over and out of this bitch 妈呀!
走到聚光灯下了,我了! Woo! 个去! Woo! 抓住这些机会赶紧完事儿 Step into the spotlight, woo! 我感觉自己就快变成一个傻蛋了 Woo! 花他个好几千对我来说小菜一碟
你看那一朵朵白云 Copping of uppers and downers get done 我拿钱做个炸弹给你这镇子炸成末儿 I'm in a rush to be numb 别出声啊我的宝贝,嘘~ Droppin' a thousand ain't much 我跟人打电话的时候也要骂人,因为我是个小骚B Come from the clouds 我不晓得怎么把痰吐的跟火山喷发一样 On a missile to turn this whole town into dust 但是我能在你的大沙发上给你生一堆孩子 Don't make a sound, baby, hush 一半混血儿一半胡编乱造出来的 I am the living swipe right on the mic, I'm a slut 还有罪恶的阴险的东西啊 I don't know how to not spit like a lout 上帝告诉我们就业保险根本就是地狱赐给人间的祸害 I'll spill a pound of my kids on your couch 神话里讲的是我妈妈是个杀戮女王
你在她手下就跟教父1里那个苦逼儿子一样死的很惨 Half of a mongrel and mythical team 你刚出道的时候我都给我儿子开始洗礼了 Villainous treacherous things 如果今天我死这儿那这就是我应得的 Legend says El is a spawn out of Hell 麻烦跟罗德麦基说一声“我日,这也太爽了” The myth is my mama's a murderous queen 每一次长大我的小弟弟都得在盒子里才能装得下 Your life can end like in Godfather 1 我们走狗屎运了,那些钱贼tm安全 You get the gun as I christen my son 你会习惯我从来不做错事这个好习惯 If I die today and it's Hell I should pay 我不找鸡啊你个傻屌,因为我实在太狡猾了 Tell the Lord Mikey said, "Fuck, it was fun" 你想踢两脚,没事儿我给你打节奏让你踢的更爽
你要是磨磨蹭蹭我就让你亲一下木头削片机的刀刃 Every new record's my dick in a box 我就他娘的是个魔术,好吧其实我是个法术,是个咒语 We get a doozy, the mula's a lock 我给某某某弄来的独角兽的角哦(别说了) You're getting used to me doing no wrong 哎呀! I don't play chicken, you prick, I'm a fox 妈呀! You wanna kick it, I'll give you the rocks 走到聚光灯下了,我了! You kiss the wood chipper blade if you balk 个去! I'm fuckin' magic, in fact I'm a warlock, a talk 怎么挤我也得来个旋转跳跃! I got a unicorn horn for a (stop) 怎么挤我也得来个旋转跳跃!
怎么挤我也得来个旋转跳跃! Woo! 怎么挤我也得来个旋转跳跃! Woo! 旋转跳跃! Step into the spotlight, woo! 旋转跳跃! Woo! 旋转跳跃!
旋转跳跃! And the crowd goes RTJ! 我这麦克老兄可不会打小报告 And the crowd goes RTJ! 我准备在豪华大酒店订个大床房 And the crowd goes RTJ! 看你着急忙慌的我轻松的只有你的差不多五分之一 And the crowd goes RTJ! 我会随着鼓点在浴缸里抽一根儿 RTJ! 接着我把我的手腕敞开 RTJ! 然后给你这个笨蛋一剑 RTJ! 只需手腕轻轻一弹 RTJ! 然后你的脖子那里就变的血肉模糊了
我和麦克老铁吹着口哨哈哈大笑地就走了 Mike Pentangeli won't snitch 只有你是唯一的赢家才能过金碧辉煌的日子 I'll rent a room at the Ritz 跟着我的节拍干那些小混蛋 I'll sip a fifth of the whisk 听着就像那天我在美丽的沙滩教育人 I'll smoke a dub in the tub 我就念到了初中,和你一样没啥进步 Then I will split both my wrists 牙都漏风了还说什么话呀
我们就混在你认为的“好人”之中 I'll pull a sword on you simps 你觉着我是头狮子,对喽,瞅瞅我的大牙 Just with a flick of the wrist 所以我大吼吓唬人的时候你别烦我 Get your neck giving up mist 猎物根本不反抗我还打个什么猎啊 Me and Mike skip away whistlin' and grin 直接让那些兔子选哪只先送死得了 Every day's golden when you only win 给我讲个笑话不然崩了你脑瓜子
你们一个个的简直都是一个模子刻出来的屎 Bullyin' bastards and beatin' on beats 能给我选出来一个我简直是谢谢你八辈儿祖宗 Sounds like a day at the beach, preach 原因就是你选了个你信任的来送死 I keep it middle school, step on your feet 既然到了这种焦头烂额的时刻就该患难见真情 Before you can speak, blow to the teeth 我们根本就不是收人尊敬的人,我们也不干这样的事儿
只有那些尘世间的舞蹈家啊商人啊实干家啊才了解我们呢 We move among the ones you think are meek You think I'm lion, you right, see my teeth Don't be a bore when I'm roaring vamoose Hunting's no fun when your prey doesn't move I'll put a gun to a bunny like choose Say somethin' funny or bunny go boom You got a bevy of shit you could groove We'd like to thank you for choosing our crew
And that's from the crew you can trust Warranty plus for fuckin' shit up We are the no-gooders, do-gooders Known to the dancers and dealers and doers of dust