- JZ_ORI Raincheck 歌词
- 混音:高宇豪
拥有了一切,仍感到寒冷 编曲:JZ.ORI 仿佛丢失了灵魂一样 Cold, got everything but cold 请把我的时间拿去,和你想知道的场景交织在一起吧 Everything means no soul 昨晚在悠闲中度过 Please take my time and twist it with the scene u wanna know 知道你回过了家 Girl, last night was so chill 为什么把所有的东西都留下,可否告诉我去了哪里 I know u did come home Left all things behind and tell me where to find u 那些旅途中的点点滴滴 Verse1: 喜爱和抱怨的白日梦 Talking, Walking, Sailing overseas 宝贝,我都知道 Loving, Hating daydream 你所向往的生活,我都知道 Babe I know yeah 但太多的琐事 Come on, babe I know yeah 像铁链一样拴住了我 Meeting, party, all those time conflicts 这到底是为什么 hold me back like chains 我这是怎么了 What happened to me now 电话在不停的响 look, what happened to me now 我一点也不关心 Phone still ring ring 除非你的名字出现 But I kept them unseen 至少还有机会可以弥补 Unless pops up ur name 毫无头绪,难道是周四那天的失约 At least wrong can be fixed 如果我不出现的话,是不是故事就走到了结尾 I don’t know, is the raincheck on that Thursday 曾经一起度过的时光, 有多少会被回忆起来 If I never show up does it mean i’ll be end of story 我该如何走出这无尽的迷宫 All the time we spent together now it’s barely rewind 告诉我吧,如何在这场游戏中看清 How I figure out a path to break this endless maze 生活不易,请别再让我们为难了 Tell me, help me and free my eyes in this game Life is already too hard for us so don’t complicated 拥有了一切,仍感到寒冷 Hook: 仿佛丢失了灵魂一样 Cold, got everything but cold 请把我的时间拿去,和你想知道的场景交织在一起吧 Everything means no soul 昨晚又在悠闲中度过 Please take my time and twist it with the scene u wanna know 知道你回过了家 Girl, last night was so chill 为什么把所有的东西都留下,可否告诉我去了哪里 I know u did come home Left all things behind and tell me where to find u 别再浪费时间寻找,这不值得 Verse2: 早已启程去往远方,离开这伤心的城市 Please don’t keep looking, waste the time is not worthy 最近感到十分疲惫 On the plane fly to Berlin, no more love in the city 不知怎样平衡得失,逃离幻想 I feel like, I feel like run of energy 没有了欢笑,派对,和咖啡厅的约会 how to balance what I need, how to escape from fantasy 即使提早进入了冬天,也毫无察觉 No more funny, no more party, no more coffee date 所以还是关心你自己吧,所谓的别人眼中的成功 now it’s different, earlier winter, I don’t even care 让人们嫉妒,以为我是幸运的那一个 so mind ur business, not the weakness, everybody cheers 你要知道 and made me gifted, people jealous, wanna be my friend 金钱不能带给你所有,这道理我懂 Told you 还没有意识到的你,看不到一丝歉意 Money, can’t be my profit, i feel so conscious 同样的借口,很快就会重复了 Problem is, u haven’t realize, late to apolo(gize) 而我却只能活在回忆中 Just another trick, next week no doubt be the same 现在是时候走出来了,美好的旅程终究短暂 why I supposed to be a thing, living out of memory 所有眼前的美景,都无暇顾及 Now it’s time to move on, good trip always gonna stop 那些焦虑和担心一直困扰着 Sunshine rising, ocean waving, can’t enter my zone now 于是只能在Hip-Hop音乐里寻找自我 Stress too hard, travel too far, worry too much then I listen to hip-hop hope I can find the peace and love yeah 所有过去的错误,争吵 Hook: 和那些无助与焦虑的日子,令我难以呼吸 All the mistake, miscommunicate, maybe more helpless days, anxious bang bang, take a breathe 是否能感受到心底的痛苦 oh oh oh 不 can you feel my pain 快让它消失吧 no no no 所有过去的错误,争吵 let it go away 和那些无助与焦虑的日子,令我难以呼吸 All the mistake, miscommunicate, maybe more helpless days, anxious bang bang, take a breathe 也许并不会痊愈 oh oh oh 不 I’ll never be okay 让我做一点改变吧 no no no 拜托 let me make a change oh save