- 成田勤 Wings of Terror 歌词
- 成田勤
A blaze of carnage. The dragon's might is gone. 经过毁灭性的战火洗礼之后,龙族的力量一度在这片天空消失 And its eyes, and its maw, and its memories are gone. 它合上了眼眸,不再喷吐火焰,甚至忘记了自己为何存在 Knocking on the door of truth, 直到赤磷的幼龙和碧蓝的少女 a red-scaled wyrm and girl in blue. 敲响通往真理的大门 Chiaroscuro chaos 在黑白颠倒的混乱中 Awakens me. 唤醒吾
Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. 司掌新生与湮灭,是吾的使命 Rebirth and destruction, again and again. 重生与毁灭轮回,不过反手间 Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. 司掌新生与湮灭,是吾的使命 Rebirth and destruction, again and again. 重生与破灭轮回,不过反手间 I'll shatter this sky when the last chain breaks. 当吾破开最后枷锁,吾将毁灭这片天空 In the ashes and the ruins, 我们将在这灰烬与废墟中 we'll abide to recreate. 再创造出一切 An age of evolution will dawn. 象征着一个崭新的时代迎来破晓 I'll shatter this sky when the last chain breaks. 当吾破开最后枷锁,吾将毁灭这片天空 In the ashes and the ruins, 我们将在这灰烬与废墟中 we'll abide to recreate. 再创造出一切 An age of evolution will dawn. 象征着一个崭新的时代迎来破晓
Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. 司掌新生与湮灭,是吾的使命 Rebirth and destruction, again and again. 重生与毁灭轮回,不过反手间 Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. 司掌新生与湮灭,是吾的使命 Rebirth and destruction, again and again. 重生与毁灭轮回,不过反手间 Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. 司掌新生与湮灭,是吾的使命 Rebirth and destruction, again and again. 重生与毁灭轮回,不过反手间