- Wilco Radio cure 歌词
- Wilco
- Cheer up
振作精神 Honey I hope you can 宝宝我希望你能振作起来
我有点不对劲 There is something wrong with me 脑海乱作一团银白色浆糊
蜜糖般的吻将心头阴霾吹散 My mind is filled with silvery stuff 耸耸肩 Honey kisses clouds of fluff 振作精神 Shoulders shrugging off 宝贝我希望你能振作起来
我有点不对劲 Cheer up 脑海里充斥着有关无线电治疗 Honey I hope you can 的电子外科手术词语 There is something wrong with me 为国王和皇后采撷苹果 My mind is filled with radio cures 那些我从未见过的事物 Electronic surgical words 喔 时间也无法 Picking apples for the kings and queens 解释 of things I've never seen 爱的不可理喻 Oh distance has no way 振作起来 Making love 宝贝我希望你能打起精神 Understandable 我有点不对劲 Cheer up 脑海里一团银色的浆糊 Honey I hope you can 蜜糖般的吻让阴霾的乌云散去 There is something wrong with me 为国王和王后采撷苹果 My mind is filled with silvery stuff 那些我从未见过的事情 Honey kisses clouds of fluff 时间也无法解释 Picking apples for the kings and queens 爱的 of things I've never seen 不可理喻 Oh distance has no way 时间也无法解释 Making love 爱的 Understandable 不可理喻 Oh distance has no way 时间也无法解释 Making love 爱的 Understandable 不可理喻 Oh distance has no way 时间也无法解释 Making love 爱的 Understandable 不可理喻 Oh distance has no way 振作吧! Making love 宝贝我希望你能重燃心头希望 Understandable
Cheer up Honey I hope you can