- Hillsong The First and The Last 歌词
- Hillsong
- You are the first and the last, beginning and the end
祢是首先的,亦是末后的,祢是初,亦是终(参考 启 22:13) The promise of One who's to come 祢是以后永在的应许 The future is in Your hands 未来就掌握在祢手中 Calling the light with all the earth we will sing 呼求真光 我们愿在地上颂唱 You are the author of love 祢创造大能慈爱 Our freedom is in Your name 万众因祢名得自由 Embracing the cross there for us 祢为拯救我们紧抱十架 Brought us to life again 让我们重获新生 Calling the love with all we are let us sing 呼求大爱 我们愿用真心颂唱 God, our hope and our salvation 主啊,全地的盼望与救赎 Worthy of all the praise 唯祢配得至大赞美 Be our light everlasting 作我真光永照不熄 Great is Your name 祢圣名本伟大 Jesus the first and the last 昔在永在的主耶稣
为我们显明爱的路途 Show us the way of Your love 引领我们走向真理 Lead us towards the truth 激励我们心中焰火 Stir up the fire in us 倚靠祢过得胜的生活 To live out this life for You 呼唤祢的名 Calling Your name 主耶稣 我们愿永远歌颂 Jesus forever we'll sing, yeah 主啊,全地的盼望与救赎 God, our hope and our salvation 唯祢配得至大赞美 Worthy of all the praise 作我真光永照不熄 Be our light everlasting 祢圣名本伟大 Great is Your name 昔在永在的主耶稣 Jesus the first and the last, yeah 万众与万邦将知悉此福音 Every heart every nation will hear the sound 当真光打破死亡黑暗 As the light breaks through the darkness 让圣名响彻天地间 And Your name rings loud 相隔海角的众信徒将齐聚一方 Every distant horizon will meet as one 都颂唱着,愿尊祢名为圣 Singing, holy is Your name 我们歌唱 愿尊主的名为圣 We sing holy is Your name 主啊,全地的盼望与救赎 God, our hope and our salvation 唯祢配得至大赞美 Worthy of all the praise 作我真光永照不熄 Be our light everlasting 祢圣名本伟大 Great is Your name 主啊,全地的盼望与救赎 God, our hope and our salvation 唯祢配得至大赞美 Worthy of all the praise 作我真光永照不熄 Be our light everlasting 祢圣名本伟大 Great is Your name 昔在永在的主耶稣 Jesus the first and the last 昔在永在的主耶稣 Jesus the first and the last 昔在永在的主耶稣 Jesus the first and the last 祢是起初,亦是末后 You are, first and the last 祢是阿拉法,亦是俄梅戛(希腊字母首末二字) You are...You're the alpha and omega 祢是初,亦是终 The beginning and the end 我等救恩 Our salvation 祢带来自由 You bring freedom 主啊,祢的恩典永无止境 God, Your grace it knows no end 祢的圣名超乎众名之上 You're the name above all names 被杀的神羔羊啊 The Lamb that was slain 祢是起初,亦是末后 You are, yeah, the first and the last 祢是起初亦是末后 You are first and the last