- CXLD KID NXMAD Come and go 歌词
I don’t wanna put my trust into anyone cuase I know that all the people come and go 到底在我的面前谁才是对我真心谁又带着面具我也看不清楚I don’t know I ain’t feeling lonely但却被孤独围绕 我知道我可能早就已经无可救药 早已习惯了这种感觉还是控制不住need her I drink with myself though somtimes I really wish you’d be here I don’t wanna put my trust into anyone cuase I know that all the people come and go 到底在我的面前谁才是对我真心谁又带着面具我也看不清楚I don’t know I ain’t feeling lonely但却被孤独围绕 我知道我可能早就已经无可救药 早已习惯了这种感觉还是控制不住need her I drink with myself though somtimes I really wish you’d be here I’ve already对着以前的我告别 站到山顶也只会是迟早 yeah 到时会有更多金银财宝装满wallet I keep rolling完成不可能的project 又在录音staying up through the all night Cause I gotta make sure everything’s tight Don’t ever leave me alone I really need you by my side 一个人在这条路我感觉身上压力太重 我看清我们不同I ain’t clout chaser 那你们演的戏老子不会配合 我都已冲出地球你们都还跪着 都在被这游戏玩而我制定规则 Funny shit 在我面前却总盯着我的后背 你曾拥有的一切全部都got it from me 做的东西都是shit for the birds 你带的的不是wallet应该带的是个purse 以前的我也曾经相信过 发生不好的事情全部都是我的错 那时候还没拿起笔 过的那种糜烂生活 好像得到了一切 但是却唯独丢掉了我 All those shit was around me but I was never touched Cause back then in LA I was the plug 现在我不会相信你们嘴里放的屁 只相信口袋里的美元还有人民币 出现的all the faker都被我击毙 后悔当初没把你打掉是我封存的秘密 the only reason for that shit cause my bitch gotta ass and tity Nxmad’s gonna represent Shanghai这座city all the people come and go 我持续进化like a Domino 我一马当先把孤独变成了发动机 早已经是part of me get the shit outta my face I don’t wanna put my trust into anyone cuase I know that all the people come and go 到底在我的面前谁才是对我真心谁又带着面具我也看不清楚I don’t know I ain’t feeling lonely但却被孤独围绕 我知道我可能早就已经无可救药 早已习惯了这种感觉还是控制不住need her I drink with myself though somtimes I really wish you’d be here