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- They took their armor off.
他们丢盔弃甲 Laid the weapons at your feet. 在你的靴前缴械投降 Dashed up on the rocks. 随后冲上岩石 Fillings melted from the heat. 内里因高热溶解 That's like I read in the paper. 一如我在报纸上看到的那样 Unlock the pen,unlock the pen, yeah. 对此不再封笔不谈,嗯 Battle ice and make it a good one. 冰期之后,媒体总算讨喜起来 Dairy-Ann,Dairy-Ann. 威斯康星州的达里恩(Darien,读作Dairy-Ann) Last light going down. 熄灭了最后一盏灯 Fall in. 坠入夜中 We're stuck in traffic here. 而我们在这里堵住了 Last light going down. 最后的光芒消逝在 Fall in. 全然的黑夜里 We'll watch the sun freeze. 我们眼见着落日凝结成冰 They took their armor off. 他们卸去武装 Laid the weapons at your feet. 在你的脚边放下武器 Dashed up on the rocks. 冲向巨石的顶峰 Fillings melted from the heat. 身躯熔化于高热 It took the mail to fall in tow. 漫天信笺飞舞于此 It took the place of fallen snow. 取代了降雪原有的位置 I don't know how it's frozen there. 我不理解落日是如何被封冻于彼处 I don't know what it's frozen in. 我也不明白它是被什么冻结在那里 I found it in your file. 我在你的档案中找到了答案 That a sea was made to burn. 那是因为,充盈的海 Like a fire draped in white. 却被燎原的白焰燃烧殆尽 Not a soul was kept inside. 世间的魂灵被尽数置之身外 That makes it still alive. 彷徨却生机盎然 And I can never go home now. 而我,此刻将永无归日 They stuck traffic here. 失落的魂灵充斥在这片区域里 And I can never go home again. 因此我再无归路可言 Watch the sun freeze. 只有静待着太阳燃为灰烬 It took the mail to fall in tow. 尘埃像漫天的信封被抛洒在此 It took the place of fallen snow. 取代了曾经坠落的雪花 I don't know how it's frozen there. 我不知道它是如何变得不再温暖而闪耀 I don't know what it's frozen there. 我也不知道是什么将它变得心如死灰 It took the mail to fall in tow. 坍缩的星尘是传阅的邮件 It took the place of fallen snow. 一如数十亿年前逸散的雪花 I don't know how it's frozen there. 我不愿想它是怎样变得如此冷若冰霜 I don't know what it's frozen there. 我也不愿想它是否成为了一颗死寂的白矮星 Feel so sick. 令人作呕 Pay no price. 毫无价值 Stray so far. 流浪至此 Play no more. 再无兴致 Feel so sick. 心痛难耐 Pay no price. 束手无策 Stray so far. 远行将止 Play no more. 玩乐不再 Feel so sick. 病入膏肓 Pay no price. 无所回旋 Stray so far. 放逐至今 Play no more. 难拾旧爱 Play no more. 难拾旧爱 Feel so sick. 令人作呕 Pay no price. 毫无价值 Stray so far. 流浪至此 Play no more. 再无兴致 Feel so sick. 心痛难耐 Pay no price. 束手无策 Stray so far. 远行将止 Play no more. 玩乐不再 Feel so sick. 病入膏肓 Pay no price. 无所回旋 Stray so far. 放逐至今 Play no more. 难拾旧爱 Feel so sick. 汹涌波涛 Pay no price. 燃为灰烬 Stray so far. 远行至今 Play no more. 不再回头 Feel so sick. 心若死灰 Pay no price. 噤如寒蝉 Stray so far. 踽踽至此 Play no more. 再无归途