- Cavetown 160416 (Jack's Song) 歌词
- Cavetown
我记得汽车后面的景色 I remember the view out the back of the car 敞开前门 Left the front door wide open 或许这就是我们不应该离开的迹象 Maybe it's a sign that we shouldn't be goin' 我没意识到分别是如此艰难 I didn't realise it'd be so hard 你和我一起坐在蹦床上 You and me, sittin' on the trampoline 想起有一次我们在上面睡着 I think one time we fell asleep 一觉醒来 感觉恍若隔世 Woke up and felt like it had been weeks 如今你我的确已分别许久 And now it truly has been 尝试原谅自己 (Forgive yourself) 这并非命中注定 但有趣的是 It wasn't meant to be but it's funny how 生活总在欺骗 Life dealt this cheat 那些能够完美处理它的人 To someone who could handle it so well 当你在倾盆大雨下睡觉 And while you sleep in the pouring rain 希望你知道我们总会再团聚 Just know I'll be with you someday 我会找到知己 And I'll have a good one 'til then 就像你告诉我的那样 Just like you told me 多希望我们过去能经常玩游戏 I wish we could’ve played that game sometime 能在网上多聊些天 I wish we’d talked more online 很高兴你喜欢我的照片 I’m glad you liked my picture 我将它珍藏在储物柜中 I stuck it up inside my locker 唯有失去时 才会真正懂得 Becomin' disconnected really puts into perspective 朋友对生活而言 有多么重要 How important every friend is who makes you wanna live 这一次我要释放情绪 嚎啕大哭 And this time it’s okay to cry 穿着黑色运动裤吃番茄酱意面 Black sweatpants and pasta with ketchup 你妹妹吃蛞蝓 那是有史以来最恶心的事 When your sister ate the slug it was the grossest thing ever 一起在花园中收集甲虫 Collecting beetles in the garden together 我的梦境随时欢迎你 You're welcome anytime in my dreams 手上沾满泥巴并比赛爬树 Muddy hands and climbing trees 刷牙时我们灌满水槽 Sink-tall while we brush our teeth 身穿条纹衬衫玩捉迷藏 Striped shirts and hide and seek 往事历历在目 It's all comin' back to me 当你在明媚阳光下睡觉 And while you sleep on a sunny day 希望你知道我会永远将你铭记 Just know I'll remember you always 无论有多痛苦 And no matter how much it hurts 我们之间没有永别 回头见 It's not goodbye, just see you later 当你在倾盆大雨下睡觉 And while you sleep in the pouring rain 希望你知道我们总会再团聚 Just know I'll be with you someday 我会找到知己 And I'll have a good one 'til then 就像你告诉我的那样 Just like you told me