- Miriam Bryant Everything 歌词
- Miriam Bryant
- Childish games, I say your name
玩着幼稚的游戏,我唤着你的名字 And don't think I will ever again 我决定不再为此浪费时间 Shifting blame, because you can 别以为你行,就可以和我耍赖 Always wanting the upper hand 别老是想着占我上风 Not ready to be fine 却还没来不及得逞 I'm stealing your time 我正偷走的是你的年华 Your time and mine 你的光阴只属于我 And you are insane 你的确疯疯癫癫 But I played your games 但既然我加入了你的游戏 I'll never changed 我就永远不会反悔 I could give you everything 我可以为你付出一切 Or nothing at all, nothing at all 或者对你冷漠无言 I could give you everything 我可以为你赴汤蹈火 Or nothing at all, nothing at all 也可以把你弃置身外 No, you never change, never change, never change 可是你也永不后悔 No, you never change, never change, never change 你会永不变心 No, you never change, never change, never change 你会始终如一 We're everything, or nothing at all 我们可以是一切,也可以是一粒尘埃
你的每一寸贯穿着我的全身 Parts of you, still running me through 我会永远让你魂牵梦绕,不是吗 You'll miss me forever, won't you 就让我们一起沉浸在这份痛苦的乐趣中 Let's stay this way, I enjoy the pain 在你的怀里就如倾盆大雨 Fell for you like pouring rain 还没来得及享受安宁 Not ready to be fine 我挥霍着你的光阴 I'm stealing your time 你的年华和我的岁月 Your time and mine 我可以为你付出一切 I could give you everything 也可以将你抛之脑后 Or nothing at all, nothing at all 我可以为你付出一切 I could give you everything 也可以将你抛之脑后 Or nothing at all, nothing at all 你从来没后悔过 No, you never change, never change, never change 你从来没变心过 No, you never change, never change, never change 你从来没放弃过 No, you never change, never change, never change 我们就是一切,我们也是尘埃 We're everything, or nothing at all 你像是个孩子,而我便是你的大大的梦 You were a kid and I was your big dream 我们却从未做过什么追过梦 Nothing was how we made it seem 我们只是五月夜晚被遗忘在舞池上的一张照片 We're just a photograph wasting away of a night on a dance floor in May 我可以给你我的所有 I could give you everything 也可以自私地藏起 Nothing at all, no nothing at all 但你从未反悔过 No, you never change, never change, never change 但你从未改变过 No, you never change, never change, never change 但你从未后悔过 No, you never change, never change, never change 我们就是一切,可我们也什么都不是 We're everything, or nothing at all