- Lucius Turn It Around 歌词
- Lucius
- Turn It Around - Lucius
扭转乾坤-卢修斯 She felt comatose waiting for this thing to grow 等着这玩意慢慢长大令她很不爽 She's impatient 'cause she wants it now and so it shows 她迫不及待地想要得到那玩意 她的焦躁展露无遗
她不想被那些框框条条束缚着自己 She can't be bothered by the ties that bind her 她亲眼看见藤蔓勒死了一切触及到的东西 She's seen ivy when it strangles everything it holds 她已看穿了一切 She's looking through the wrong end 她已看穿了一切 She's looking through the wrong end 她已看穿了一切 透过她炯炯如炬的目光 She's looking through the wrong end of her telescope 扭转乾坤 扭转乾坤 Turn it around turn it around 她关上了门 不带一丝踌躇
但却错过了自己的最初的步伐 因为她没有稳定的轨道 She closed the door with the intention of not looking back 她不想被她犯过的错误阻止她向前 But missed her step because she didn't have a steady track 但她逐渐忘记了是什么在一开始引导她走向正确的道路 She can't be bothered by the mistakes she's made 她已看穿了一切 But she's forgetting that's what guides you to the rightful path 她已看穿了一切 She's looking through the wrong end 她已看穿了一切 透过她炯炯如炬的目光 She's looking through the wrong end 扭转乾坤 扭转乾坤 She's looking through the wrong end of her telescope 事情开始变得失控 当嫌疑犯溜进了她的家 Turn it around turn it around 坏事就开始发生 当你把事情丢给一个小女孩的时候
所以现在她毫无选择 As suspected back at home it grew out of control 她只能识时务 否则便没有二次机会 Well that can happen when you leave things to a little girl 她已看穿了一切 So now she's left without an option at hand 她已看穿了一切 She better tend to it or she won't have another chance 她已看穿了一切 透过她炯炯如炬的目光 She's looking through the wrong end 反败为胜 反败为胜 She's looking through the wrong end 她已看穿了一切 She's looking through the wrong end of her telescope 她已看穿了一切
她已看穿了一切 透过她炯炯如炬的目光 Turn it around turn it around 扭转乾坤 扭转乾坤 She's looking through the wrong end She's looking through the wrong end She's looking through the wrong end of her telescope Turn it around turn it around