- My Precious Little One 歌词 Rick Springfield
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- Rick Springfield My Precious Little One 歌词
- Rick Springfield
- I love to watch you sleep
我喜欢在静谧的夜晚 In the quiet of the night 看着你入眠 I start to feel that you're part of me 我开始感受到你已成为我的一部分 The strength and the light 给予我力量与希望 And I relive all the moments 我重温过去的岁月 Now the moon has chased the sun 日往月来,今非昔比 And I memorize each moment of my precious little one 我脑海中重现着你成长的点点滴滴 My precious little one 我的宝贝 I love to watch you sleep 我爱看着你入眠 And seeing you just be 看你酣然入梦 I feel I'm part of something so much greater than just me 我感受到了因为有你,我变得更加强大 And I thought that I was living,but my life had just begun 我曾以为我已漫步于人生之路,殊不知我的人生才刚刚开始 Now I understand the greater plan 因为有你,我明白我需要变得更好 My precious little one 我的宝贝 My precious little one 我的宝贝 My precious little one 我的宝贝 I love to watch you sleep 我喜欢在静谧的夜晚 When the night is still aglow 看着你入眠 I think of my own father watching me those years ago 我的父亲也曾如此 And I know that I am part of him 我也是他的一部分 The rain and the sun 雨,太阳 And I see there's part of both of us in my precious little one 你的血管里流淌着我们两人的血液 But your own heart beats inside your chest 你年轻的心脏在胸腔中鲜活地跳动 You'll go on and find the one 有朝一日,你也会有自己的小宝贝 And someday you'll be watching your own precious little one 你也像我一样,热切地注视着他 My precious little one 我的宝贝