- Mötley Crüe Girls, Girls, Girls 歌词
- Mötley Crüe
- Friday night and I need a fight
周五晚上我需要一场战斗 My motorcycle and a switchblade knife 备上漂亮摩托和折叠军刀 Handful of grease in my hair feels right 瞧我发油足量,神气非凡 But what I need to make me tight are 但若要说能令我从头到脚,齐齐颤栗,该还是 Girls, Girls, Girls 女孩!女孩!女孩! Long legs and burgundy lips 长腿闪闪,紫红蜜唇 Girls, 尤物们
裙摆飞舞,日落大道,缓缓降落 Dancin' down on Sunset Strip 女孩! Girls 甜蜜红唇,高傲指尖 Red lips, fingertips 嘿!不给蜜糖就捣蛋! Trick or treat-sweet to eat 欢彻万圣节,新年长夜 On Halloween and New Year's Eve 美国尤物,一一踌躇,不肯起舞 Yankee girls ya just can't beat 可要是她们对你神魂颠倒,滋味就是世间头等! But they're the best when they're off their feet 女孩!女孩!女孩!’ Girls, Girls, Girls 娃娃屋,弗罗里达,她们潜藏之所! At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale 女孩!女孩!女孩!’ Girls, Girls. Girls 摇滚啊!在亚特兰大,童话之书! Rocking in Atlanta at Tattletails 女孩!女孩!女孩!’ Girls, Girls, Girls 升起炼狱,在七号面纱中!对就是你读过的那条新闻! Raising Hell at the 7th Veil Have you read the news 在家庭小社区 In the Soho Tribune 你深知她对我做尽何事 Ya know she did me 之后她狠狠踩碎我心 Well then she broke my heart 我可是个好好先生 I'm such a good good boy 我只是需要个新玩具 I just need e new toy 要我告诫你什么?漂亮女孩? I tell ya what, girl 为我起舞,我将令你所获超值! Dance for me, I'll keep you overemployed 对我低语甜蜜故事 Just tell me a story 你知我说是何 You know the one I mean 疯马夜总会,漂亮巴黎,美丽法国
忘记名字,只令罗曼蒂克放逐你我 Crazy Horse, Paris, France 一张照片,一条信息,一段三角爱情 Forget the names, remember romance 来尽情破坏,法国当局条条陈规旧俗 I got the photos, a menage a trois 女孩!女孩!女孩! Musta broke those Frenchies laws with those 身体市场!大理石门! Girls, Girls. Girls 女孩!女孩!女孩! Body Shop. Marble Arch 啊我心洋洋洒洒,失落于此! Girls, Girls, Girls 女孩!女孩!女孩! Tropicana's where I lost my heart Girls, Girls, Girls