- Patrick Page His Kiss, the Riot 歌词
- Patrick Page
恶魔带来了俄耳甫斯 The devil take this Orpheus 他蛊惑人心的吻 And his belladonna kiss 美妙,剧毒,可爱,致命 Beautiful, poisonous, lovely, deadly 这危险的红心骑士(红桃J,人物原型是随贞德作战的拉海尔) Dangerous this jack of hearts 伴随他的吻,暴乱开始 With his kiss, the riot starts 我的子民到这里时一贫如洗
吵嚷着要求温饱 All my children came here poor 现在,他们吵着要什么? Clamoring for bed and board 自由 Now, what do they clamor for? 自由 Freedom 我是否已成为 Freedom 将要被推翻的君主?
就因为贫民唱着的小调和弦 Have I made myself their lord 谁将领导他们 Just to fall upon the sword 谁安排了这一切 Of some pauper's minor chord? 谁给了这些闲人工作 Who will lead them? 只要做一件事 Who lays all our best-laid plans? 让他们走但有附加条款 Who makes work for idle hands? 一些条件
签字的俄耳甫斯不会回看协议 Only one thing to be done 她与失明无异他心神已乱 Let them go but let there be some term to be agreed upon 懦夫在人群中也会底气十足 Some condition 声势浩大,则勇气蔓延 Orpheus the undersigned shall not turn to look behind 再没有什么让一个男人如此大胆 She's out of sight and he's out of his mind 当一个女人对他微笑并握住他的手 Every coward seems courageous in the safety of a crowd 但他独处时热血不再 Bravery can be contagious when the band is playing loud 疑窦渐生 Nothing makes a man so bold As a woman's smile and a hand to hold But all alone his blood runs thin And doubt comes- doubt comes in