- STARSET Love You To Death 歌词
- In her place, one hundred candles burning
深藏于她的秘境,千百灯烛辉煌 Her salty sweat drips from her breast 晶莹的汗珠从她胸脯淌下 Her hips move and I can feel what they're sayin', swayin' 轻扭腰肢而我似懂其意 They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, yeah... 它们尖啸着 心底的恶魔似要将我吞噬
酒杯上沾染黑魅的唇印 Black lipstick stains (on her) glass of red wine 我是您忠实的仆从啊,能有幸为您点燃那只香烟吗? I am your servant, may I light your cigarette? 双唇翕动,我能解读您的心愿,不断祈祷 Those lips move, yeah I can feel what you're sayin', prayin' 它们叫嚣着 无尽的欲望将要把我拖入万丈深渊 They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, yeah... 我能有幸侍奉您吗?您的话语就是我的准则
闭上双眼吧,我对你的爱至死不渝 I beg to serve, your wish is my law 需要我证明我说的话吗? Now close those eyes and let me love you to death 我看清了 引我堕落的恶魔即是我自己 Shall I prove I mean what I'm sayin', beggin' I say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, yeah... 我将爱你
Ah 我将爱你 Let me love you to 直到世界毁灭 Ah 直到万物皆亡 Let me love you to 对你而言 Death 我够格吗? To death 对你来说
我算什么? Am I good enough... 我不过是你生命中的匆匆过客 For you? 我不过是你记忆中的一抹残影 Am I good enough... 我不过是你流年中的点点星光 For you? 不过是你史诗中的寥寥几笔 Am I...ah... 只是我的话 For you? 远远不够 Am I....ah... 但我对你的爱 For you? 永垂不朽
Am I good enough For you? Am I good enough For you?