- A-Mac 与世界为敌 歌词
- A-Mac
- 编曲:赫连长泓
Spencer All shall bow before me! O ye' loath the day that one encounters the likes of me on the battlefield! Haha! Get your swords ready warriors! We shall be victorious! They call me Spartacus I come with the hardest hits And my armor is Harder than your whole army is See me on the battleground And you'll see just what flawless is They had me shackled down But I broke out and took the whole town Going for the kingdom now Give the new king his crown I'll set fire to your empire No squire! Rather war activator, gladiator! Stronger than you! Much much greater! 黎智坚措: What? No matter who u are! I don't care man Listen! 千军万马在我的身后 铁骑西进征服中亚东欧 你的战术早已被我看透 叫我成吉思汗陛下 Just show 斯巴达克斯 I don't care 弯刀复合弓对你 No share 铁骨朵一刀斩洋人fear 我化身草原战神团灭你们叫我Dear Spencer: Just like my rank My flow is five stars The general coming at ya Spitting live bars I ride in my tank Get my cruise on Leave y'all defeated Like in Luzon Victory repeated Y'all can lose on Now Look who’s got bombs On his submarines From the Philippines to the Japanese seas None can come between And from east to west Ain't no test I'm the best I make Rommel look like *********** Ronald McDonald And Napoleon,yeah, like Rosie O'Donnell Oppose me and your Whole army will topple MacArthur can't stop 黎智坚措: 倭寇大军站在我的对面 Yah 我大戚家军 根本不屑Yah 放马过来把你踢回国界Yah 我给你一场Diss Like 韩信Yah 这场战斗我不可能错过 抗击倭寇军队大战台州 别怪我 别怪我 别怪我 我的战队里从来没有怂货 要出击 必定赢 占领地 做皇帝 别躲避 没出息 拿破仑 算个屁 等不及 我下令 冲上去 搞定你 要生存 就得干 同胞们 联合力 Ya ya ya ya Spencer: so you think you’re a big shot? You think you’re hot? Show me what you got! A-MAC: Hold on… Hold on… A-MAC: 面对世界战争与革命 中国人永远爱好和平 世人皆知不用过多声明尊重每个生命 保持低调个性邪恶势力面目狰狞 别逼我敲响战士们战争的战铃 管你是二战的麦克阿瑟还是罗马的斯巴达克斯 让我用反间计将你们兵力透支见面就是撕 看我用空城计攻心计投石器布兵力 岳飞韩信 诸葛孙膑 曹操项羽 周郎赤壁 猛力打击 让你喘不过气 犯我中华 虽远必诛 攻我必输 何必白费功夫 不服就开战 惹我就是灾难 打开《剑与家园》游戏里面开干 诺尔大陆 选择国家种族 背景和人物 刺激肾上腺素 也可以和我结盟 风雨同行 共同协防有困难互相借兵 在奇幻的战争世界创造自己的故事 别太固执 别太物质 勇敢地去探索迷雾迈开步子 开拓路子 输送物资 在魔法大陆里出事一起扛有福一起抽宝箱 掌控国家命运小心叛党有种一决雌雄在史诗战场 和朋友一起与世界为敌,let take on the world just me and my team 和朋友一起与世界为敌 带兄弟情义 得战役胜利 和朋友一起与世界为敌,come with me, just follow my lead 和朋友一起与世界为敌 拿出手机 下载游戏 制作人:赫连长泓 录音/后期制作:HZ Studio