- Owl City Sunburn 歌词
- Owl City
- Splendidyang
我们来到这里,回到我们魂牵梦萦的故乡 So there we were, back home from somewhere inside my head oh,我勇敢地击退了藏在她床下的妖怪 Oh, bravely I fought off the monsters beneath her bed 和妖怪大战后,我的脑海里有了这个故事的框架 Pillars of postwar books supported by frame of mind 当她记起那些我不愿藏起的篇章时 While she memorized the pages that I tried to not hide behind 她握着我的手,在我耳边轻吐爱意 She took my hand in hers and whispered her love for me 那晚灯光亮起,我们都无须在意 The lantern died that night but we didn't need to see 想象我们都是聚光灯下熠熠闪耀的明星 Implying that she's the bee's knees and I am the cat's meow 当我记不起来时,她回应我的方式是那么有趣 it's funny how she recalls what I can't remember now 当她的笑容再现,我不再感到半分的疏离(horrible有不友善的意思) But when her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 她让我心跳加速,因为她那么可爱动人 She gave me a heart attack just because she looked so adorable 我们涂上防晒霜,在沙滩上嬉戏玩闹,发誓我们一起生活,相守相依 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beach and vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 结果她晒的皮肤黝黑,我晒伤了,晒伤了 Yeah, but she got a tan, and I got a sunburn I got a sunburn 我们在外逗留,不知身在何处
尽管有点害羞和难堪,我还是要承认我的心中只有她 So there we were out there, unaware of where we'd been 她记不起来时,我回应的方式很搞笑 We kicked off our flipflops and swung from the rooftops again 她的笑容再次泛起,我不会感到半分尴尬 it's awkward but I'll confess she's all I can think about 她令我怦然心动,只因她如此动人美丽 And it's funny how I recall what she can't remember now 我们涂上防晒霜,在沙滩上嬉戏玩闹,发誓我们一起生活,相守相依 But when her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 结果她晒黑了,我晒伤了 She gave me a heart attack just because she looked so adorable 落日之际,我们回望身后 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beach and vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 留下了我们一行行的足迹, Yeah, but she got a tan, and I got a sunburn 我们就要分别时,我们彼此凝视 Oh, afterglow, look out below 她在我心中留下深刻的烙印 We left a trail of dust behind 说再见时我忍住不哭 As we parted ways, she held my gaze 撷一片流云悬于小镇的上空,目送她离去 And left an imprint on my mind 当她消失不见时,我无声落泪 I tried not to cry as we said goodbye 因为她的离去让我孤独无依 And hung the clouds above my town 当她的笑容再次浮现,我不会再感到半分疏远(horrible有不友善的意思) But I shed a tear when she disappeared 想起她,我激动不已 Cause now I'm a stranger on the ground 我们涂上防晒霜,在沙滩上嬉戏玩闹,发誓我们一起生活,相守相依 When her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 最后她晒黑了,我也晒伤了 She gave me a heart attack 她晒成了黑珍珠,我晒出了伤 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beach and vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 是的,她晒黑了,我也晒出了伤 But she got a tan, and I got a sunburn She got a tan, and I got a sunburn Yeah,But she got a tan, and I got a sunburn