- Lily Moore Not That Special 歌词
- Lily Moore
- How many times can I walk home alone
多少次形单影只归家 In the dark down a backstreet 走在黑暗凄冷的后街上 孑然一身 I've seen what trouble looks like 事情错杂纷乱 I ought to know I don't thrive so well on safety 我应该知晓我并不是因安全而成长蜕变 Making plans for a month ahead 事先为未来做好计划 A day in newquay to look forward to 期望向往着在newquay(英国西南滨海小镇)的美好一天 When it's not about love or trust it's not about us 期间并不关于爱情和信任 不关于我们之间的故事 It's just having something to do 并不百无聊赖 而是有事可做 Having something to do 充实自己 But I like you 但我心中有你 Don't you know we ain't special 难道你不清楚我们平平无奇吗 Not you or me 庸庸碌碌 When people see us walking down the street 当他人看见我们穿过街道 They don't feel no envy 他们不会产生嫉妒心理 Don't you know I'm not that special 难道你不知晓我普通平庸吗 Never pretended to be 并非表里不一的人 But the only thing that matters is 但唯一的关键是 You feel right to me 你对我有感觉 My guitar's where I left it at your place 当我仍爱恋你时 Yesterday when I still liked you 我将吉他放置在了你的家中 I guess now wouldn't be the time to take a break 你知道它不会像我一样与你吵吵闹闹 You know it won't talk back like I do 我认为现在不是分道扬镳的时候 That's the downside of getting drunk sometimes 所有的酒精使我感到苦痛折磨 All the liquor makes me bitter 这就是喝醉后飘飘然的弊端 Swear one day I treat you better 发售总有一天我会真诚待你 Like I should 就像我应尽的职责那样 Don't you know we ain't special 难道你不清楚我们平平无奇吗 Not you or me 庸庸碌碌 When people see us walking down the street 当他人看见我们并行时 They don't feel no envy 他们不会产生嫉妒心理 Don't you know I'm not that special 难道你不知晓我普通平庸吗 Never pretended to be 并非表里不一的人 But the only thing that matters is 但唯一的关键是 You feel good to me 你对我情有独钟 Probably won't make it 很可能无法达到那种境界 Never gonna make it 永远不会 Don't look ahead there's trouble there 不要理会前方的烦恼 Let's stay blind and take it 让我们被假象蒙蔽 见机行事 Probably won't make it 很可能无法做到十全十美 Never gonna make it 永远不会 Don't you know we ain't special 难道你不清楚我们平平无奇吗 Not you or me 碌碌无为 When people see us walking down the street 当他人看到我们携手共度时 They don't feel no envy 他们不会心生妒忌 Don't you know I'm not that special 难道你不知晓我普通平庸吗 Never pretended to be 并非表里不一的人 But the only thing that matters is 但重中之重是 You feel right to me 你对我有感觉