- 7Teen Ho Hate 歌词
- 7Teen
- 编曲 : 7Teen
混音:7Teen 不希望你说那些让我觉得没啥事情的原因 I don't wanna wait for you for ur faulty reasons 我不知道该怎么样才能打出电话 I have no idea how to get ur phone 我的幼稚被每个人唾弃 But why u hate me spasmodic heart 每一次喝醉都是为你 This only for you when I get drunk 我把日记写成歌词 I write my notes as these lyrics down 月亮和星星在一起 Double moon 在我们眼中 Shape it seen 是美好的状态 in my eyes 楼宇反射整个天空 buildings reflect all the sky 我在感觉到欺骗的那刻找到了自我 Found me all the moment u lies 随着时间的流逝变得疯狂 Getting crazy as the time passing by 看来我已经陷进去了 It seems I have entered 但现在我只想征服世界 But now I just wanna fuxk the world 我恨我之前这么害羞 I hate my shy last 我恨我自己是个孬种 I hate my shy last 我恨我给别人带来难过 I hate my shy last 我恨自己一次性说出所有的话 I hate myself throw all words one time 因为你 Cuz u...... 让我快乐让我激动 Make me happy and enthusiastic 也是你 It's you too 给我带来太多的悲伤 Bring me sadness too much 我“恨”你 I hate you 我更恨我自己 And I hate myself 我想你回来 I want u back 我不想在外面浪 I'm not gonna play outside 我的生活由你决定 My life is decided by u 我所有的朋友都说这样就是耻辱 All my friends say it shame 但我不这么认为 But I don't think so 当我牵着你的手时间就停止了 Time likes stopped when I get ur hand 还能回来吗 Babe back 是不是再也不会回来了 Babe back 我想你回来 Babe back 我近乎在乞求你了 I'm begging for u