- The Parlotones Sing You to Sleep 歌词
- The Parlotones
- Asleep in my arms, my chariot
我的沙里奥 在我的怀里 她恬然自安 So close to my heart, sweet Juliet 如此贴近我心的 甜美的 朱丽叶啊 It's rhythmical beat lulls you to sleep 你可以感受到它的起伏跳动哄你安稳入眠 Dreamlover 梦中人 Sing you to sleep 诵你入眠 Sing you to sleep 诵你入眠 Sing you to sleep 真想用歌声伴你入梦啊 And chase the demons from your dreams 猎捕你梦里的恶魔 I'll paint you a dream filled with colours 我会绘制出斑斓的梦 为你 I'll splash you with stars and with flowers 用漫天繁星和遍野芬芳去泼洒 Angels will sing all your troubles away 天使们会用歌声带走你所有的忧愁 Dreamlover 我梦里的爱人啊 Sing you to sleep 真想哄你入睡 Sing you to sleep 诵你入眠 Sing you to sleep 用歌声伴你进入梦乡 And chase the demons from your dreams 猎捕你梦里的不安 You're safe in my arms 在我的怀里 你会睡的无比香甜 (you're safe) I'll carry you away 我会带你去往伊甸园 (Sing you to sleep and chase the demons from your dreams) You're safe in my arms 在我的怀里 就像日落港湾 (you're safe) I'll carry you away 我会带你离开 (Sing you to sleep and chase the demons from your dreams) You're safe in my arms 我的臂弯会是你温柔的故乡 (you're safe) I'll carry you away 我会带你前往 (Sing you to sleep and chase the demons from your dreams) You're safe in my arms 在我的怀里你定安然无恙 (you're safe) I'll carry you away 我会同你入梦 (Sing you to sleep and chase the demons from your dreams) Dreamlover 我的梦中人啊 Sing you to sleep, sing you to sleep, sing you to sleep 真想用歌声伴你入睡 And chase the demons from your dreams. 游猎你梦途的所有荆棘