- Hrmar Lonering 歌词
- Hrmar
- Producer/编曲:Zou
Vocal recording/混音:Mouser moon wonder if there's any darkness if so i do indeed i see your darkness moon don't you feel that‘s not equal for seeing me sad or i'll be alone tucking alone darkness darkness darkness darkness darkness moon you don't have to keep your spotless i promise i love you just like i love myself i see all your moods and bad weathers if there‘s something like you i think i'll like it too moon bright and clear are just cliche no other way to call you no other way to please you moon talk to me when you want to no other way to know you no other way to amuse you moon how am i gonna keep content i barely ever see you again (no other way to know you) (no other way to amuse you) i feel so close i feel so distant you come to my mind when you shouldn't 月 你是否永远这般明净 若非如此 我愿直视你的全部 当你看着我 或看向地面上其他所有 看到抽泣 看到悲痛 你是不是也会变得不知所措 看到阴沉的 彷徨的 沟壑的 瞬息万变的 你是不是也将不知所措 月 我都问了些什么问题 我保证我爱你 就像我爱自己 我看到你的无语和阴晴 我看到一切都想提到你 陈词滥调的皓月当空 陈词滥调的清风明月 我都抢来留给你 等你见了太多人的遗憾与顾虑 我还在这里 坐在这里看你 看你从初一到十五 看你从好奇到满溢 再到好奇 我俩永远都在这里 远近都在这里