- D.Rose郭康強 Fight 歌词
- D.Rose郭康強
- 录音/监制/混音/母带:D.Rose郭康強
one two boom bang I keep on fighting 努力争取属于我唯一无二ticket (take it ) nobody can block it stop it do you know who the best aka hater慨天敌 hey man 请你翻译 der rick 中文注释 我 唔想讲太多 理太多 烦太多 谂太多 唔该你 直行之后再转左 one two I keep on rock it if you want too come n pop it im keeping on going on since the day i born I'm carrying on focus on never do it wrong a rapper skater whatever 一切 都为 fight for Shangri-La 1998至到2018 我一定不定向你脑袋兼并轰炸
I fight for the dream I fight for the team I fight for the guys who always stand by me 我努力战斗 我努力奋斗 为了报 答这一切而继续去不眠不休 I fight for myself I fight for my soul I fight for the thing that we can never seen 曾经历失败 曾百无聊赖 如今我凤凰涅盘继续卷土重来
i used to 曾天马行空 妄想拥有这片广大慨 浩瀚星空 it break soon 如今两手空空 仍然会 为了我未来 不 断争锋 bang bang 赤口毒舌乱枪 左闪右避无法对我造成至 命真伤 只可讲 真金白银真材实料 真的假的无法 被敌人憎火造成严 重灼伤 严重慨风霜 严重到 完全压制住你慨 个 人嚣张 写出只源于只属于慨你 个 人篇章 谂清楚 一撇一捺只写属于你慨词 属于你慨字 一词一字 写出历史 事不宜迟 不容过时 锻练意志 调整心智 抱负使命步伐绝对不停 我淡定企定接受你地猛烈批评评
fight for the dream I fight for the team I fight for the guys who always stand by me 我努力战斗 我努力奋斗 为了报 答这一切而继续不眠不休 I fight for myself I fight for my soul I fight for the thing that we can never seen 曾经历失败 曾百无聊赖 如今我凤凰涅盘继续卷土重来