- Matryoshka Oblivion 歌词
- Matryoshka
这是他最后的借口 It is the last excuse from him “我曾倾尽全力取悦你 I always struggled to please you 在你离开我之前 Before you leave me, 我屏息驻足于一片空寂的森林中 I unveil my secrets 在这里,我将倾诉我所有的秘密 I hold my breath in a silent forest 与你在一起
道阻且长,积日累岁 It is a long way, 此生我只守护你,至死不渝” a long time with you 这是她最后的借口 My whole life is for you forever ever “我曾不遗余力伤害你
我苦于将内心的痛苦宣泄给你 It is the last excuse from her 在你身旁,我堆满了心灵的碎片 I always thought how to hurt you 与你在一起 It's not so easy to share my pain 道阻且跻,穷年累世 I pile up debris around you 此生我只陪伴你,始终不渝”
It is a long way, a long time with you My whole life is for you forever ever