- Corrinne May On The Side Of Me 歌词
- Corrinne May
- I'm not the easiest person to love
我这个人不大喜欢煽情 I'm often the one who lets things go unresolved 时常把解决不了的问题落在身后 Yet you choose to be, on the side of me, on the side of me 但你仍选择,陪在我身边,与我同行 Yet you choose to be, on the side of me, on the side of me 但你仍选择,陪在我身边,与我同行 I'm not too proud of some things I've done in my life 在这一生中做过些不太光彩的事情 The skeletons in my closet are too big for me to hide 心底盈满了不可告人的秘密无法掩抑 Yet you choose to be on the side of me, on the side of me 但你仍选择,陪在我身边,与我同行
用善意祝福,陪在我身边,与我同行 Blessed charity, you're on the side of me, on the side of me 人人都需要挚友携手共渡 Everyone needs a friend to hold 当人情渐变冷漠,世间无处可逃 when it's cold outside, and there's no place to go 人人都需要挚友携手共渡 Everyone needs a friend to hold 我独自默默哭泣,走投无路 All alone I cried there was no place to go 记得当我无依无靠也有你陪伴 I remember when nobody cared but you 我这个人不大喜欢煽情 I'm not the easiest person to love 但你敞开你的心扉向我展示生命的意义 But you opened your heart and show me what I'm worth 因为你仍选择,陪在我身边,与我同行 Cos you choose to be on the side of me, on the side of me 如此不可思议,你就在身边,与我同行 What a mystery, you're on the side of me, on the side of me 人人都需要挚友携手共渡 Everyone needs a friend to hold 当人情渐变冷漠,世间无处可逃 when it's cold outside, and there's no place to go 人人都需要挚友携手共渡 Everyone needs a friend to hold 我独自默默哭泣,走投无路 All alone I cried there was no place to go 记得当我无依无靠 I remember when nobody cared 记得当我无依无靠也有你陪伴 I remember when nobody cared but you 因为你仍选择,陪在我身边,与我同行
Cos you choose to be, on the side of me, on the side of me