- ああああ rainbow (smile again) 歌词
- ああああ
- I know you've got sight
我知道,你早已发现了它 But are you connected it? 但你是否早就与其缔结联系? "like that is made of magic" "它好像是魔法作成" You told me so well 你曾经对我说 Through the rain 透过霏霏雨霖 Only you everywhere have to see the doors! 只有你,无论何地,都能够发现那扇大门 とき うた おと ゆめ 时钟滴答 管弦轻拉 玲珑音符 甜美梦境 All moments awake me as yet, and you, and world! 是这些许回忆唤醒了我,唤醒了你,唤醒了这个世界 うれしい くやしい さみしい たのしい 有时愉悦 有时懊恼 有时寂寞 有时欣喜 Please never forget these emotions, cause you know! 请一定不要忘掉这些感情,因为他们通透清晰地镌刻于你的心中 Let's sing a song and fly high like no tomorrow! 让我们远航高歌,及时行乐 When you're hopelessly sad, I'm always by your side 当你绝望悲伤时,我总会与你相伴 And your memories will be a lot of melodies 而你的回忆会化作无数的旋律 You'll see the shiny up rainbow 此时你会看到那闪闪发亮的彩虹 You'll see the shiny up rainbow 那熠熠生辉的彩虹 With little smile 伴随着你的莞尔一笑 Let's sing a song and fly high like no tomorrow! 让我们啭喉高歌,忘却人生几何 In your smile, I find again, I feel heart beating again 从你的齿粲展颜中,我又一次感受到,我的心再次跃动 And your memories will be a lot of melodies 而你的回忆会化作无数的旋律 You'll see the shiny up rainbow 那光怪陆离的彩虹, You'll see the shiny up rainbow 那流光溢彩的彩虹 With me! 将由你我共赏! lalalalalala...... 啦啦啦啦啦~