- Drake-Diplomatic Immunity(Steve Tsui remix) 歌词 Stevv Tsui
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- Stevv Tsui Drake-Diplomatic Immunity(Steve Tsui remix) 歌词
- Stevv Tsui
- Ugh
哎 I wrote part of this in the middle of my final test 这一部分是我在期末考场上写的 With no ink in my pen not a single line on my desk 笔里没水 桌上也无一行文字 Said they got the answer all right 他们说他们答案做得全对(右) Man alright… 好吧…… And ain‘t nothin left Hol’up 然后就剩不下什么了(左) Nappy as mufu just came down and sucked up my vibe 居心叵测之人总是过来搅我兴致 knowin myself a Libra but they turned me to a Gemini 恨不得把我从天秤变为双子般人格分裂 And all I know I got left is my damn purity 自知我心仅存一点纯真 And all these enthusiasm to help me go though my puberty 以及空凭一腔热血得以度过青春 That’s all I get, the Diplomatic Immunity 这就是我所得,一份“外交赦免权” That’s all I had, which automatically ruined me 这就是我仅有,它在潜移默化地毁灭着我 Plus I don’t sense the unity, this is only be getting tougher that karma come around like usually— 我感受不到团结统一 事情总是变得愈发艰难 因果报应常常光临—— Usually, been three days in a row 常常是三天走一轮 three days never been broke 一挥霍起来就是三天 It has Been like three seasons since my last remix gone 距离上一次发歌似乎也是如隔三秋 Not attended to be emo, my intensions’s to be Primo, 我不想变得情绪化 一心只想成为最好(想达到DJ Premier的高度) My homies said I’ve beefed up like Tony plus Nino 我兄弟说我变狠了 就像Tony Montana加上Antonino Gaggi(Beef up也指卷进纷争;两个名字,前者为《疤面煞星》主人公,后者为现实中的黑手党大佬) I took l’s mentally, Made new enemies 但我也精神受挫 四处树敌 Sometimes I also drown my self in broken remedy 有时也将自己沉浸在悲戚的旋律之中疗伤 That just gets to me 因为它们触碰着我的内心 Sometimes I’m in my feelings listening to Drake things 有时我听着Drake的In My Feelings找着一点感觉 But what if Kiki don’t love u and broke u heart with that fake things 但是如果“Kiki”并不爱你 反用虚情假意伤了你的心该如何是好(In My Feelings歌词Kiki do you love me) Ugh, go around and fake it 呃,及时行乐以掩饰悲伤罢 my bro he told me so as the time goes u may erase it 兄弟告诉我 时间可以擦去一切 but just like racist, a younging thought he could face it 但就像歧视,人皆以为自己可以勇敢面对 till it gets to you, you know what is like when given a bossin chick then taken 但没有亲身经历,又怎能体会到意中人得而复失之痛 Hol‘up Now, I’m gettin chickens how i wanted 现在我身边蜂蝶如云 They see my chain dripping on stage, they come around me, 看到我舞台上闪烁的项链,她们便围到身边 also done touched one or two green chicks, aint crossing line 也小心翼翼地谈了一两个青涩的妹子 took her to the diner spot next block, u crossed my mind 带她到对街的餐馆,你却又划过我的脑海 Come to remember bout your thighs, your lips, your eyes, your hips 忆起你的双股、丰唇、明眸、曲线 Remember this’s your favorite spot we eat and we be like “This is it” 忆起这是你最喜欢的地方 我们边吃边赞不绝口 remember all that pillow talk we had when crushed at my crib 忆起你在我屋檐下的枕边耳语 bout how I be sneak in yo dorm as my heart thumped against my ribs 忆起我偷溜进你的宿舍 心儿像是要跳出胸膛 And do you remember on top of the roof, that’s you and me 你可曾忆起我们登上楼顶 只有你我 We sat for hours talking about life in love, about its bitter sweet 我们促膝久坐 长谈爱与生活的苦辣酸甜 Soak our souls in streams of city lights, know it don’t never sleep 将灵魂浸入永不熄灭的城市灯火与流光之中 As I thought you don’t never leave, 那时我从未想过你会离去 OKOK— 好罢好罢 I guess there’s prolly be something that we could never see 我想也许有些事情我们永远无法看清 There’s places we could never reach 有些地方我们永远无法企及 It drains me out my energy only just to take care of these 仅是眼前的苟且就使我精疲力竭 Told myself to stay outta them colorblind when painting a picture 我告诉自己作油画时须远离色盲(paint a picture 制定蓝图) Told her to be on time just to get a picture 告诉她按时赴约 仅为一张合影 Told the social media I ball everyday like piston 在社交网络上像活塞队般花天酒地(Ball字面意思打球) Told my teacher that i’m beyond all the strictures 甚至告诉老师我不受校规管束 the topic went off on a tangent 我的言行时时离题万里 Head drown in the water as cliche start to make senses 感觉被水淹没快要窒息,方才开始理解平日的陈词滥调 Really do I considered my spirit transcendent 假使我的精神真如自诩一般超然卓越 Or maybe I just want some of that corrupting attention 亦或我只是渴望博得眼球、吸引注意力 Detained inside the embassy so ain’t no peace inside of me 像是被软禁在使馆之中 我的内心毫无平静可言 1984 feel like Ideological Crime 也许我犯了《1984》的思想罪 But till the end of the day i still gon follow those signs- 但直到最后关头 我依然要循着先哲的脚步 of the greatest, And Putin up pieces of rhymes— 把这些歌词韵脚拼凑 Straighten up my mind 我要理清我的思路 Movin into Section 1, I don’t need no co-sign 不需要什么公司合约 靠自己双手起家 搬进顶级社区(移到第一象限,不用cos余弦) AMC boy turned out nowhere to find 让那些书呆子在我眼下人间蒸发(AMC为美国数学竞赛缩写) An-I’m seeing through all the misty days and stay on my grind 而我将拨开重重迷雾 依旧初心不变 Hol’up, but still... 仍然...... Nappy as mufu just came down and sucked up my vibe 居心叵测之人总是过来搅我兴致 knowin myself a Libra but they turned me to a Gemini 恨不得把我从天秤变为双子般人格分裂 And all I know I got left is my damn purity 自知我心仅存一点纯真 And all these enthusiasm to help me go though my puberty 以及空凭一腔热血得以度过青春 That’s all I get, the Diplomatic Immunity 这就是我所得,一份“外交赦免权” That’s all I had, which automatically ruined me 这就是我仅有,它在潜移默化地毁灭着我 Plus I don’t sense the unity, this is only be getting tougher that karma come around like— 况且我感受不到团结统一,事情总是变得愈发艰难,因果报应降临就像—— This karma come around like... 因果报应降临就像…… Yea-yea Look 耶耶 哎 (引用2Pac 1994年采访)