- Dan Fogelberg The Minstrel 歌词
- Dan Fogelberg
我生命中有一段情 无关情妇 亦无关妻子 There's a love in my life neither mistress or wife 每天晨光熹微 And she waits for me every morning by the sea 鱼鹰在空中盘旋,阳光温暖着海豹时 Where the fishing hawk wheels and the sun warms the seals 她都安静地依偎在那锚船的木桩边等候着我 There she lays at her silent anchorage for me 她娉婷纤细,她巧捷玲珑 She is fine she is fleet 她会和着歌跑起来 She will run reach or beat 拉动索具扬帆起航 With a song in her rigging and her sails 夜色降临之时我们紧紧相依 And when day is done we will lay two as one 在星光荡漾的旋律下睡去 And sleep 'neath the rolling rhythm of the stars 我们远航去杰里科港 And we sail away off to Jericho Bay 去那海天相接的地方 Where the blue of the sea meets the sky 她悠悠唱起的歌谣 And the song that she sings me it brings me such peace 让我的心即使在海涛汹涌之时也能波澜不惊 When the seas rise up angry and high 她是游吟诗人,她是我的友人 She's a friend of mine the minstrel 潜鸟和海豚 There are loons off to port and the porpoises sport 在她醒时弄坏了发动机 In her wake as she breaks the rolling main 我们伴着风浪 And with the wind in her sails we will run with the whales 追逐着在深海的黑暗中穿行的鲸鱼 As they swim through their dark 追逐这些日渐消失的庞然大物 Diminishing domain 我们远航去杰里科港 And they sail away off to Jericho Bay 去那水天一色的远方 Where the blue of the sea meets the sky 她吟唱的歌谣 And the song that she sings me it brings me such peace 让我的心即使在海涛汹涌之时也能波澜不惊 When the seas rise up angry and high 她是我的友人,她是游吟诗人 She's a friend of mine the minstrel