- 生祥樂隊 大封 歌詞
- 生祥樂隊
- 作詞:鍾永豐
客語: 二十五年尾,小冬無閒月 阿爸趜收成,阿姆兼清潔 年三十下晝,敬忒阿公婆 姆媽佇屋背,裁好大烳鑼
乖乖要乖,帶著老弟 貼門前紙愐大封 乖乖恁乖,滕著姊擺 貼五福紙愐大封
年三十下晝,敬忒阿公婆 姆媽佇屋背,裁好大烳鑼 會社蔗墊底,土雞層豬肉 冬瓜高麗菜,豆油牽米酒
乖乖要乖,想食大封 陣黨籲我毋敢動 乖乖恁乖,坐凳頭仔燒柴 文火慢滾莫急愁
乖乖要乖,緊吞口瀾渣 叔伯接等歸屋家 乖乖恁乖,封雞封肉封菜 臨暗上桌無停嘴
華語: 二十五年尾,小冬無閒月 阿爸趕收成,阿母兼清潔 年三十下午,拜完祖公婆 阿母在屋後,栽好大鋁鍋
乖乖要乖,帶著老弟 貼門前紙想著大封 我是這麼乖,幫著姊姊 貼五福紙想著大封
年三十下午,敬完祖公婆 姆媽在屋背,栽好大鋁鍋 會社蔗墊底,土雞層豬肉 冬瓜高麗菜,醬油牽米酒
乖乖要乖,想食大封 陣黨喊我不敢動 乖乖這麼乖,坐矮凳燒柴 文火慢滾莫急愁
乖乖要乖,猛吞口水 叔伯接著歸屋家 乖乖這麼乖,封雞封肉封菜 臨暗上桌無停嘴
注 1,小冬:時序進入10月,在第二期水稻之後,進入第三期的冬季裡作,美濃人稱之為小冬,農民耕作以番茄、紅豆、毛豆、蘿蔔等短期作物為主。 2,門前紙:豎折黃符紙,外包一張較短的“壽金(紙錢)”,兩端再箍以紅色紙條,除夕貼於門兩側,年初三早上香後撕下到庭前與紙錢一同燒化。 3,五福紙:為春節門楣吉祥飾物,以紅彩紙剪刻,上印“天官賜福”、“金玉滿堂”、“五福臨門”或“福祿壽喜”等字樣。 4,會社蔗:日本殖民時代美濃用以稱呼糖業公司種植的甘蔗,後來成為製糖用甘蔗的泛稱。
English: There's no time to spare during the 'little winter' towards the end of the season Father rushes to bring in the crops, and Mother is busy doing the cleaning On the eve of the new year, after the forefathers and foremothers have been fed Mama sets up the great stew pot behind the shed
I've been so well-behaved, taking my brother to paste the doors with couplets, dreaming of Braised Sugarcane Bottom Stew I've been so well-behaved, taking my little sister to paste all the doors with the five-happiness posters, while I dream of Braised Sugarcane Bottom Stew
On the afternoon of the Thirtieth Day, after paying our respects to grandpas and grandmas who came before us Mama sets up the great big double-alloy pot behind the house Company cane lines the bottom of the pot, followed by layers of chicken and meat Winter melon and cabbage, then soy sauce leads the rice wine into the slow heat
Be good, be good if you want to eat braised sugarcane bottom stew The gang all yells you can't touch it before it's cooked through Be good, so good, take a stool and feed the fire with some wood Let the gentle flame make it bubble and you can simmer down too
Be good, so good, and swallow your saliva as your mouth waters And all of your uncles come back home one by one Be good, so good, as the chicken and the pork and the vegetables stew At dusk around the table there will be more than enough for you