- Hunter Hayes Wild Blue 歌詞
- Hunter Hayes
- Standing at the edge of the unknown
身處於未卜邊緣 Where the wild blue sky begins 何處又會是蔚藍穹頂 This is where I take all my Sundays 此地讓我歡度數日 I've saved and I cash them in 我存下款並兌現這一切 I close my eyes, cut the cord, 輕閉雙眼割斷繩索 Drop the chain, and I shed my skin 掙脫枷鎖一躍而起 It's funny how you don't know you can fly 說來有趣竟不知自己可以翱翔於空 Till you finally catch the wind 待你最終乘上這縷清風 But nothing changes your perspective 萬物都無法阻擋你盡覽天下 Like the taste of leaving on her lips 被她那殘留唇間的味迷醉 I thought I was strong, 本以為我堅強不屈 Thought I was made of stone but suddenly the lonely hit 本以為如這磐石堅硬卻被孤寂擊碎 You think you know the part you play 本以為知道自己扮演的角色 Until somebody goes and rewrites the script 直到某人重寫劇本打亂一切 It felt like falling, but it's funny 似乎一下墜入深淵極有趣 'Cause I never touched the ground again 可我已懸於高空再未觸地 Welcome to the wild blue 歡迎來到這浩瀚無垠的穹頂 Where gravity can't find you 讓重力消逝不再之地 No storm that you can't fly through 沒有狂風暴雨能阻擋你 Place that you can't fly to 那些你未曾到達的地方 Up here in the wild 就在這茫無涯際的穹頂 Wild blue 令人心旌神馳的穹頂上 I was Scared of losing you cause losing you meant 我懂失去你對我意味著什麼 Losing everything that I know 就像我的世界被分崩離析 But I found some sunlight in the space 可一抹柔光鑽出映入我眼簾 Between the losing and the letting go, yeah 在這失去與放手間是的 I've heard of demons but I never knew I had so many of my own 從不知有這麼多惡魔鬼怪附身於我 The more I learned about the love 對愛了解的越多 I had to give the more they'd leave me alone 付出的必須更多他們才會離我而去 Welcome to the wild blue 歡迎來到這浩瀚無垠的穹頂 Where gravity can't find you 讓重力消逝不再之地 No storm that you can't fly through 沒有狂風暴雨能阻擋你 Place that you can't fly to 那些你未曾到達的地方 Up here in the wild 就在這茫涯無際的穹頂 Wild blue 令人心旌神馳的穹頂上 Taking in the view look at all the brand new, 以全新的角度 I can see the world from here 全世界被我一覽無餘 Even the feeling like 這樣的感覺極為強烈 I'm breathing deeper in this atmosphere 深呼吸讓我更為透徹 I was scared I had something from 我也懼怕未知 Feeling those feelings to feeling the fear 但盡情感受這驚險刺激吧 But once you get above the clouds, 一旦你自由旋飛於凌雲間 It's funny how that feeling disappears 畏懼之感就隨之散去 Oh, welcome to the wild blue 噢歡迎來到這浩瀚無垠的穹頂 Where gravity can't find you 讓重力消逝不再之地 No storm that you can't fly through 沒有狂風暴雨能阻擋你 Place that you can't fly to 那些你未曾到達的地方 Up here in the wild 就在這茫涯無際的穹頂 Wild blue 令人心旌神馳的穹頂上