- Reddy tag 歌詞
- Swervy Reddy
- Pop pop tag 다떼버려tag
Pop pop tag 全部丟棄tag 그사진에tag 내이름은빼 把那張照片裡我名字的標記去掉 내커리어stack 我的職業生涯stack 넌못따라와택도없지 你絕對無法跟上 하급fake 너얼마를벌든지 下級fake 你賺了多少 Dont care Don't care 이건Reddy 본캐유일한존재 這裡是Reddy 獨一無二的存在 직업이몇개야한번세어볼게 數數有幾個職業 Rapper painter Rapper painter Director designer Director designer 나말고누가하겠냐 除了我誰還能做到 이런걸no cap 這樣的no cap Hater들은여전히눌러내초인종 Hater們仍會按下我家門鈴 풀어줄수없어난니네들꼬인속 無法解開我是你們心裡難纏的結 창작을멈출때나를묻어라고인돌 哪天停止創作了就把我埋在巨石墓吧 고인물은싫어편한자리치워 討厭積水收拾個舒服的地方給我 Going up Going up 꼬리표달고사는직업 帶著標籤的職業 가짜기사들이미워 令人生厭的假新聞 보이는것만다들믿어 只相信親眼所見 어차피도돌이표 反正只是反复記號 숫자로된수많은tag 無數的標籤成為了數字 올해는얼마야난My price tag 今年又會是多少My price tag All these ****ing tags All these ****ing tags Ive been popping Ive been popping Ill tell you bout it Ill tell you bout it Dont make me tell you what Dont make me tell you what Im gon do dont tell nobody Im gon do dont tell nobody Bullshxt bro Bullshxt bro Dont go around speaking Dont go around speaking Bullshxt cause Imma tell Bullshxt cause Imma tell You bout it You bout it All these ****ing tags All these ****ing tags Ive been popping Ive been popping Ill tell you bout it Ill tell you bout it Dont make me tell you what Dont make me tell you what Im gon do dont tell nobody Im gon do dont tell nobody Bullshxt bro Bullshxt bro Dont go around speaking Dont go around speaking Bullshxt cause Imma tell Bullshxt cause Imma tell You bout it You bout it 바닷속으로덤벼뛰어들어 埋頭衝進大海 내목숨은상표 我的生命就是商標 Tag 붙어버렸지 把標籤貼上 마치팔려간내Galliano 就像被賣掉的我的Galliano 꼬리표달았지 把價碼貼上 그위에0을10개더붙여 上面再加10個0 내일죽을듯올려가격을 就算明天會死也要抬高身價 난보상을바라고왔어pay up 我盼望著回報才來到這裡pay up 난눈뜨고잘게 我睜著眼睛睡覺 너넨눈감고물어담배 你們閉著眼睛抽煙 밑창에붙은날개떼고해줄게 상대 幫對方摘掉粘在鞋底上的翅膀 100점은당연하지 100分是理所當然 채점이안돼내자세 但誰又有資格為我的姿態打分 Im robbing your block 我正在洗劫你所在的街區 When you wastin your time 當你又在浪費時間 With your 귀여운친구들과함께 和你可愛的朋友們一起玩 Im running only 일해 我在為我的事業奔波 Big budgets only 只做大預算的事 난물어멋진게누구냐고거울에 問問鏡子裡帥氣的傢伙是誰 서울시역주행내옆자린한자리 首爾市逆行中沒有後座的跑車 Walking coupe Walking coupe 넌눈감고기도해 你就閉上眼祈禱吧 너대신한눈을뜨고꿈꿀게 我會替你睜開一隻眼做夢 All these ****ing tags All these ****ing tags Ive been popping Ive been popping I will tell you bout it I will tell you bout it Dont make me tell you Dont make me tell you What Im gon do What Im gon do Dont tell nobody bullshxt Dont tell nobody bullshxt Know what I mean Know what I mean No no dont tell nobody No no dont tell nobody Bullshxt know what I mean Bullshxt know what I mean 내게붙은tag들은 貼在我身上的標籤們 내지난일기같지 就像我曾經寫下的日記 래퍼들은거짓말을하고 Rapper們說著謊 난다시떠날준빌 我準備再次離去 멀리뛰쳐나갈준비 準備向遠方逃亡 번뜩인기억같이 如同閃動著湧出的記憶 All these ****ing tags All these ****ing tags Ive been popping Ive been popping Ill tell you bout it Ill tell you bout it Dont make me tell you what Dont make me tell you what Im gon do dont tell nobody Im gon do dont tell nobody Bullshxt bro Bullshxt bro Dont go around speaking Dont go around speaking Bullshxt cause Imma tell Bullshxt cause Imma tell You bout it You bout it 한손엔꽃다른손에는 돌 一手拿著花一手攥著石頭 다들언제든던질준비 大家做好扔出去的準備 You already know You already know 멱살잡고끌고가 抓住衣領拖走 너덜너덜해진soul 破爛不堪的靈魂 하엽이질시기지만leaves fall 雖是夏收時節leaves fall I dont I dont 세상은전부다tag tag 世界全都是tag tag 과해네Instagram의해시태그 你Ig上過分的hashtag 내재능지불후payback 支付我的才能後得到的payback Hustle and flow HEARTCORE Hustle and flow HEARTCORE Name tag Name tag