- Frank Crumit the song o佛陀和prune 歌詞
- Frank Crumit
- La la la la
啦啦啦啦~ La la la la 啦啦啦啦~ Nowadays we often gaze 我們經常會留意 On women over fifty 女人過了五十歲 Without the slightest trace 臉上卻沒有 Of wrinkles on their face 一絲歲月痕跡 Doctors go and take their dough 她們花錢請來醫生 To make them young and nifty 讓自己保持年輕 But Doctors I defy 我卻很不開心 To tell me just why 反問那些醫生 No matter how young a prune may be 無論李子乾多麼年輕 Its always full of wrinkles 卻有很多皺紋 We may get them on our face 我們臉上會有 Prunes get em every place 它們長滿全身 Prohibition worries us 禁酒讓我們犯愁 But prunes dont sit and brood 李子乾不加理會 For no matter how young a prune may be 無論它們多麼年輕 Its always getting stewed 總是萬分憂慮
身處水果王國 In the kingdom of the fruits 李子乾排斥受盡 The prune is snubbed by others 甚至不被允許 And they are not allowed 混跡水果之中 To mingle with the crowd 儘管無法同台 Though theyre never on display 和所有文藝兄弟 With all their highbrow brothers 它們似乎不會 They never seem to mind 遇到挫折就放棄 To this fact theyre resigned 再年輕的李子乾 That no matter how young a prune may be 也會長滿皺紋 Its always full of wrinkles 美容護理也在做 Beauty treatments always fail 任何努力都無效 Theyve tried all to no avail 其他水果偷偷羨慕 Other fruits are envious 嘴上不說心裡知道 Because they know real well 無論李子乾多麼年輕 That no matter how young a prune may be 熱水讓它們歡笑 Hot water makes em swell 小李子乾像老李子乾
沒長皺紋的不算 Baby prunes look like their dad 每一天每一面 But not wrinkled quite as bad 世界妙不可言
我們飛上藍天 Every day in every way 全都歸功時間 The world is getting better 可憐的老李子乾 Weve even learned to fly 生活濕氣很重 As days go passing by 無法擺脫困境 But how about the poor old prune 因為在鍋裡燉 His life is only wetter 無論李子乾多麼年輕 No wonder he cant win 處處長滿皺紋 In the awful stew hes in 隻長在我們臉上 No matter how young a prune may be 李子乾長滿全身 Hes always full of wrinkles 它們無憂無慮 We may get them on our face 生活完全透明 Prunes get em every place 無論李子乾多麼年輕 Nothing ever worries them 看起來憂心忡忡 Their lifes an open book 據說李子乾和藹可親 But no matter how young a prune may be 有人隱隱牙痛 It has a worried look 無論李子乾多麼鮮嫩
有顆鐵石之心 Prunes act very kind they say When sickly people moan But no matter how young a prune may be It has a heart of stone