- Gabriel Ríos gold 歌詞
- Gabriel Ríos
- from This Marauders Midnight
專輯【This Marauders Midnight】
歌名【Gold】 * 我將吻上你的唇 Ill kiss your mouth 想要一口嚥下你 and swallow you whole 像一個精瘦且倔強的 Been holding my claim 1849年的加州掘金者 like an old 49er 發起我的攻勢 Wayward and skinny 不顧傷口上的沙土 for dust in the wound 讓這聖水自然流下 for that holy water coming down 在愛情裡掘金 Out of our way now 抓住任何希冀 Were going for gold 發起我的攻勢 Been holding our claim 像一個49年的掘金者 just like old 49ers 我飛奔出城外 Out of the city 來到這屋簷下 and into this room 只為這聖水 For that holy water coming down 在你我身上自然流下 on you and me 水緩緩流下 Water coming down 快讓我躺下 Lay me down 輕聲說,我被你找到 tell me Ive been found 只因我狂飲不知醉 cuz Ive been drinking from the flood 我們任性且纖瘦 Wayward and skinny 不顧這傷口上的髒 for dust in the wound 因為聖水會自然流下 For that holy water coming down 聖水呀 holy water 聖水緩緩流下 holy water coming down 只因我狂飲不知醉 Cuz Ive been drinking from the flood 哪裡都是欲求不滿 out where no one gets enough 從一切開始我就該 I should have known right from the start 猜到我們愛越深痛切 This is the aching weve been hearing of 是的我還是要 And yes Im gonna 撲倒你 lay you down 輕聲說你被我找到 So tell me youve been found 你知道我要的是什麼 You knew what I was coming for 我飛奔出城外 Went out of the city 來到這屋簷下 and into this room 只為這聖水自然流下 For that holy water coming down 聖水啊 Holy water 甜甜的水 sweet water 聖水緩緩流下 Holy water coming down