- Arca @@@@@ 歌詞
- Arca
- [Track 1: Diva 0:00-1:01]
追風者走上台前 Chasers to the front 壹號量子“女神”
內在聯結建構 Psycho construct 實驗天后頻道 Psycho con-psycho construct 女神造世 Experimental Diva FM 園藝之心 Diva construct 構築花園 Garden psycho 內在建構 Garden construct 實驗天后頻道 Psycho construct 貳號量子“建構” Experimental Diva FM 園中造物
永恆的造物 [Track 2: Construct 1:01-2:47] 於舌尖遊走 Diva constructed 自星辰而來 Garden constructed 群星的瘢痕 Eternal constructed 螳螂的利刃 Tongue constructed 堅固而脆弱 Starlight construct 無垠的母性 Starlit psoriasis 無線電建成 Praying mantis 開始廣播 Shelled soft 叁號量子“車工” Infinity femininity 肆號量子“毀滅” Radio constructed 伍號量子“末日之後” Radio 陸號量子“遞歸”
實驗天后頻道 Track 3: Turner 2:47-5:48 柒號量子“畸形孕育” [Instrumental] 捌號量子“嬰兒”
如何安撫…… Track 4: Devastation 5:48-7:56 玖號量子“截斷者” [Instrumental] 實驗天后頻道
拾號量子“斷乳” Track 5: Survivors 7:56-9:15 拾壹號量子“面對” [Instrumental] 如何安撫… …
如何安撫一個悲傷的靈魂 Track 6: Recursions 9:15-11:48 女神頻道 Diva Experimental FM 實驗頻道
拾貳號量子“掠食者” [Laughter] 那些寒冷的歲月……
那些寒冷的歲月終將逝去 Track 7: Monstrua 11:48-13:01 今夜…… [Instrumental] 拾叁號量子“安撫奶嘴”
拾肆號量子“精神慾望” Track 8: Bebé 13:01-13: 26 終結扭曲的破碎 How does one coax? 放肆的歡淫
彎折扭曲毀滅 Track 9: Amputee 13:26-13:35 無論是否生來就怀揣著罪孽 Diva Experimental FM 放肆的歡淫
感受 Track 10: Chipilina 13:35-16:24 眾目睽睽之前 [ Instrumental] 精神慾望傾瀉而出
彎折扭曲毀滅 Track 11: In The Face 16:24-17:02 放肆的歡淫 How does one coax ? 大膽的試錯 How does one coax in the face of pain? 放縱 Diva FM 穿透靈魂深處 Experimental FM 拾伍號量子“女性”
我是女性女性 Track 12: Predator 17:02-19:44 我是女性一位女性 In those days so cold 一位女性激進 In those days so cold 我是女性一位女性 [?] tonight 一位女性一位女性
女性女性 Track 13: Pacifier 19:44-22:44 女性女性 [Instrumental] 女性女性
女性女性 Track 14: Psychosexual 22:44-23:46 我是女性一位女性 Ender, bender break 女性一位女性 You can shake that ***** ***** 女性女性 Bend, and bend, and break 一位女性 ** ***, I don't care what genital you were born with 穿透靈魂放肆狂歡 You can shake that ***** 穿透靈魂放肆狂歡 C'mon, feel it 拾陸號量子“密語” Their eye on you 我是一位女性 Psychosexually speaking 女神頻道實驗頻道 Bend, and bend, and break 拾柒號量子“蝙蝠” You can shake that ***** 拾捌號量子“妄想” C'mon, feel it, it 孤立她 Shake it 僅是一個已洗清罪孽的妄想 Can be penetr- 拾玖號量子“無須多言”
無須多言無須多言 Track 15 : Mujere 23:46-25:59 無須多言無須告知我 I'm a mujere, I'm a mujere 除非你能感受到 I'm a mujere, mujere 無須告知我無須告知我 A mujere, dale 無須多言 I'm a mujere, mujere 除非…… A mujere, a mujere 無須告知我無須告知我 Mujere, mujere 無須多言 Mujere, mujere 除非…… Mujere, mujere 無須多言無須多言 Mujere, mujere 無須多言 I'm a mujere, mujere 除非你能感受到 Mujere, a mujere 無須多言無須多言 Mujere, mujere 無須多言 A mujere 除非你能感受到 Penetrate, shake it 無須多言 Penetrate, shake it 只因不想懷有遺恨
無須多言無須多言 Track 16: Cypher 25:59-28:30 無須多言無須告知我 I'm a mujere 除非你能感受到那般悸動 [?] 無須告知我無須告知我 Diva FM, Experimental FM 無須告知我無須告知我
無須告知我無須多言 Track 17: Murciélaga 28:30-32:30 無須多言 [Non-lyrical vocals] 只因不想懷有遺恨
是或非 [Non-lyrical vocals] 念號量子“戀人”
念壹號量子“膜” (“Membrane”是科卡小說作家塞繆爾·德拉尼(Samuel R. Delany)撰寫的科幻小說《通天塔》(Babel-17)的第一章。) Track 18: Phantasy 32:30-33:59 渴望獲悉樸素的情感 Isolate, she's [?] 在無人觸及的舞台慢舞 A fantasy for castration 守衛一方邊界亦是護己周全 [?] 守衛一方邊界亦是護己周全
直截了當又如此與眾不用 Track 19: No Lo Digas 33:59-36:47 我已決定冒昧行事而非如你一般 No lo digas, no lo digas 歡迎來到獨屬於你的…… No lo digas, no me lo digas 在這世上…… A menos que lo sientas ……總是…… No me lo digas, no me lo digas 一個特定的詞彙…… No lo digas 或是特權…… A menos de que 創立一個公約…… No me lo digas, no me lo digas 誤解…… No, no, no lo digas 失實陳述 A menos de que 失實陳述 No lo digas, no lo digas 得與失 No lo digas 忙於戲劇生活忙於奔走 A menos que lo sientas 這可能更令人興奮趣味橫生 No lo digas, no lo digas 實際上是如此與眾不同 No lo digas 音樂慢舞如此純粹 A menos que lo sientas 隨心挑選任意拾來無窮的寶藏 No lo digas 它們是誰?它們在尋找什麼? Porque no quiero que haya resentimiento 來自未知宇宙的偉大詩人 No lo digas, no lo digas 點亮街燈他的身形覆上了一層釉面 No lo digas, no me lo digas 以免它們讓痛苦凝固在一個人面容上 A menos que lo sientas así 亦或是讓而立之年的可憐盲人背負半個世紀的愁容 No me lo digas, no me lo digas 驚愕他想 No me lo digas, no me lo digas 她將手輕輕搭在吧台上 No me lo digas, no, no, no lo digas 在無人觸及的舞台慢舞 No lo digas 念貳號量子“深淵” Porque no quiero que haya resentimiento 念叁號量子“聖德” Ni de un lado, ni del otro 念肆號量子“不可承受之痛”
念伍號量子“不安” Track 20: Amantes 36:47-39: 29 念陸號量子“風笛” [Instrumental] 念柒號量子“築成”
我將你封存在雲端之上 Track 21: Membrane 39:29-42:14 你讓我安息於此 Wondered the General 深陷於你強壯的臂膀之中 During those slow dances where no one touched, no one touched 倘若與我共寢 A position in Customs was a good secure job 直至深夜你卻獨自清醒 Customs was a good secure 忠誠的一方常常束縛了彼此 Working directly, such strange people 我可能會因此懷疑 I have decided to take the liberty over your [?] in a different way 但我希望有朝一日我們仍能信任彼此 Welcome to your [?] 在你的瞳眸之中 [?] in the world 會尋得你沉睡的靈魂和脆弱的內核 [?] always [?] 失去我們之間需要失去 A particular word 怀揣著相同的愛意 Or prioritize 你終會看見 Let's create a pact [?] 念捌號量子“變性” [?] misunderstanding 念玖號量子“天堂” Misrepresented and confided 末號量子“未知” Misrepresented and confided [?] the price is the way in which I react Working directly in Transport Was probably more exciting and fun to watch in the movies But really, such strange people Music's slow dances were so pure Take any of them, take any million Who are they? What do they want? Most famous poet in five explored galaxies The streetlights came on and his image glazed Before they let an expression fix their face, or the blind man Till age thirty, of half a century in his craggy face Surprise, he thought She puts her hand on the bar Slow dances where no one touched
Track 22: Apuro 42:14-46:23 [Instrumental]
Track 23: Saintly Pride 46:23-49:49 [Instrumental]
Track 24: Avasallada 49:49-51:30 [ Instrumental]
Track 25: Dysphoria 51:30-52:36 [Instrumental]
Track 26: Gaita 52:36-54:45 [Instrumental]
Track 27: Form 54:45-58:27 I closed you out in the cloud You let me rest away here healthy In your arms, your strong arms If you lay with me Find you awake tonight Most faithful tilt to command And I may doubt But I hope in time again we'll learn to trust In your eyes You will find you resting and weaknesses Need to lose, need to lose And with love for the same You'll see, you'll see
Track 28: Travesti 58:27-59:47 [Instrumental]
Track 29: Heaventsent 59:47 -62:17 [Instrumental]
Track 30: X 62:17-62:20 [Sound of Arca kissing]