- Shoulda Coulda Woulda 歌詞 Elizabeth Rose
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- Elizabeth Rose Shoulda Coulda Woulda 歌詞
- Elizabeth Rose
你不該如此鍥而不捨 You cannot carry on like this 每日三省其身 Over thinking to yourself 就像終日在迷宮裡穿梭 Like running through a maze all in the day 為何錙銖必較 Why focus on the little things 生活還有詩和遠方 It's the big ones that will help 猶豫不決就像在做選擇題 Second guessing like this is a quiz 它們在你內心來去自如 Free playing on your mind 你拋之腦後的東西 The ones you left behind you 嘻嘻我剛說了什麼 Oh what did I say 你這種女孩會對眼前的真相感到困惑 Truth complicates a girl like you 但你總會過去因為你年輕又好看 But it gets you through you're youth 所以你說啥 So what's what you say hey 早該就該本該 Shoulda coulda woulda 但你不知道現在是時候扭轉局面了 But you didn't now it's time to turn it 'round 每時每刻都請勿重蹈覆轍 Every moment don't reprise the present don't you bring it down 高低起伏你都要抗壓 The highs the lows you need it under pressure now 你可以一飛沖天大鵬展翅 You can take it higher lift it off the ground 你不該如此鍥而不捨 You cannot carry on like this 別再墨跡我了 Don't be sharing what you know oh oh 學會停下 Know when to stop turn the switch off 我來教教你 Let me tell you what you can do 充滿愛的心才能金剛不壞 Loving what you grow 而不是傷痕累累的心 Doesn't hurt you to grow 你就要無所畏懼地開始你的奇蹟時刻 You're making magic here with no presence of your fear 聽著我會照看著你 Hear it watch your over you 讓你的經歷變成你的能力 Take what you can from your days 即使你知道總會過去 Even know you might see it through 噪起來吧 Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 早該就該本該 Shoulda coulda woulda 但你不知道現在是時候扭轉局面了 But you didn' t now it's time to turn it 'round 每時每刻都請勿重蹈覆轍 Every moment don't reprise the present don't you bring it down 高低起伏你都要抗壓 The highs the lows you need it under pressure now 你可以一飛沖天大鵬展翅 You can take it higher lift it off the ground 我已經全副裝備蓄勢待發了 Yeah I'm coming up 按捺不住我躁動的內心 I'm coming up for it now 我被這感覺包圍 I 'm feeling it I'm feeling it I'm feeling it 早該就該本該
但你不知道現在是時候扭轉局面了 Shoulda coulda woulda 每時每刻都請勿重蹈覆轍 But you didn't now it's time to turn it 'round 高低起伏你都要抗壓 Every moment don't reprise the present don't you bring it down 你可以一飛沖天大鵬展翅 The highs the lows you need it under pressure now 早該就該本該 You can take it higher lift it off the ground 但你不知道現在是時候扭轉局面了 Shoulda coulda woulda 早就知道他們是在杞人憂天 But you didn't now it's time to turn it 'round 不要小題大做一切皆有可能 Ever noticed it's the ones who worry they don't make it out 我從未有過如此特別的感覺 Don't complicate it and don't say never I'm feeling this I'm feeling I'm feeling it more than ever