- Say It in the Silence (Original Mix) 歌詞 Caroline Pennell
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- Caroline Pennell Say It in the Silence (Original Mix) 歌詞
- Caroline Pennell
- 製作人: Aaron Espe
這沉默中有種愜意 Theres a comfort in th silence 只在你我之間醞釀 Thats just between you and me 我並非這感覺的陌客 And Im no stranger to the feeling 每件事都剛剛好 That its all turned out just as it should be 如果我能重回過去改變一處細節 If i could go back and change one little thing 我不確定我是否會那樣做 I dont know if I would 這沉默中有種愜意 Theres a comfort in the silence 現在我是這樣愉悅 Now when Im feeling this good 就把我拉近吧 Pull me in closer 將我拉近告訴我個中奧秘 Pull me in closer and tell me whats inside 讓我感受到緣由 Make me feel the reasons 讓我願意相信 I want to believe them 用你的雙眸訴說吧 Say it with your eyes 就在靜默中告訴我 Say it in the silence 愜意的旁側坐著惶恐 Theres a fear that sits with comfort 當只有我和你在一起時 When its just you and me 我對這種感覺並不陌生 And Im no stranger to the feeling 沒有一件事顯現出應有的樣子 That nothings turned out as it should be 如果我能重回過往改變一處細節 If i could go back and change one little thing 我想我會的 I feel like I would 我已經很久沒聽到你的聲音 Its been a long time since I heard your voice 說什麼很不錯 Tell something so good 將我拉近你吧 Pull me in closer 將我拉近告訴我究竟是怎麼了 Pull me in closer and tell me whats inside 讓我感知到事故的原委 Make me feel the reasons 讓我願意相信 I want to believe them 用你的雙眸傾訴吧 Say it with your eyes 就在靜默中告訴我 Say it in the silence 有人會說沉默是金 Because silence for some might be golden 有人會說沉默是痛 And silence for some is pain 有的人生來慢動作 And some people live in slow motion 有的人總在快行道上 Or in the fast lane 將我拉近吧 Pullme in closer 將我拉近告訴我究竟怎麼了 Pull me in closer and tell me whats inside 讓我能感知到其中的道理 Make me feel the reasons 我必須要相信啊 I need to believe them 用你的雙眸傾訴 Say it with your eyes 將我拉近 Pull me in closer 將我拉近告訴我個中緣由 Pull me in closer and tell me whats inside 讓我不再覺得世事荒謬 Make me feel the reasons 讓我相信你的話 I want to believe them 就用你的雙眸傾訴吧 Say it with your eyes 在這靜默中告訴我 Say it in the silence