- Wake Em Up! (2022 TonyWang Remix) 歌詞 Kr. OX Quintino & Blasterjaxx
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- Quintino & Blasterjaxx Wake Em Up! (2022 TonyWang Remix) 歌詞
- Kr. OX Quintino & Blasterjaxx
- 編曲: Kr. OX
要伴奏找KrOX You know KrOX never tells lies 看我站在高樓上,震榻屋頂 Stand on the building and bout to roof-breaking 我可秀了 Im already flashin 投籃算什麼 Aint caring splahin, not already in fashion 我扣碎籃板 All I do is dashin and ONeal crashin 我有無限手套,不好惹 Infinity Gauntlet armed and aint disturb me 我為這個星球戰鬥 I fight for the planet and Im savin the planet 你覺得你能趕上我嗎 You gotta catch me but nobody catchin 你是能一夜暴富還是發明出量子計算機? Million cashin or QC invention 我夢醒了,起床去冰箱拿醬 I took sauce from the fridge 放心,我不會迷失我自己的道路 Not goin lost cause I limit 跟新伙計玩 Hang out with new buddies 卻不知道我在講什麼 Thinkin chargin when I talkin SOCKET 就像我放鞭炮 Firecrackers drive out demons 繼承中華傳統 Traditional, cannot be wasted 找些外國人 Grab some foreign would be like 他們不理解我在幹什麼一樣 Jeez, holy shit, damn , you freak 我希望找到一個真正喜歡嘻哈的 I need really real 一起跟我渡過難關 And I tryna fight with my really real 但這 I mean really real 在我的交往圈真的很難找到 A fairytale 喚醒他們吧! Wake em up 我還想勸勸一些迷失的rapper Mainstream stars, Imma wake em up 嗯 Ooh 我希望他們富有正能量 All the audience catchin feelings 而不是帶歪他們的粉絲 And they dont know how to feel it 去做些不該做的事 In the dark hall full of drugs 告訴他們我對那些東西毫不感興趣 Tell em I aint give a **** 我只喜歡他們的音樂 Imma get em lit 喔要問問他們 Imma get em , Imma get em 為什麼要這麼做 Imma get em mother****ers tellin how it cheap 你們為什麼這麼做? Tellin how it cheap 是想等著警察來找你嘛? Waiting for the beep? 我喜歡你們玩點光明正大的 Sat in the kitchen 而不是玩那些所謂的“潮流” Ridin with the fashion 這是你必須追的嗎? Thats what you mean? Juice WRLD已經永遠離開了我們 Hip-Hop legend 還有Lil Peep Gone in a flashin 你們還在尋求什麼? What were you seeking? 以可能死亡的代價追求一時的靈感 Death or passion? 我希望找到一個真正喜歡嘻哈的 I need really real 一起跟我渡過難關 And I tryna fight with my really real 但這 I mean really real 在我的交往圈真的很難找到 A fairytale 喚醒他們吧! Wake em up 注意了各位,反捲委員會會長TonyWang來了 Watch out guys, youve got TonyWang here 他專找那些別人都不敢打擾的,卷怪的麻煩 He only came to catch who others never dare 卷怪們快躲起來吧!他會逮住你,讓你恐懼 Rollers hide! In case he got yeh in your fear 不許卷!他要消滅所有的捲怪! No studying here, he wants the rollers disappear 還在卷? ?你不知道現在是活動時間嗎? ! Still rolling, huh? You know its breaking time 你有沒有考慮過,在你犯下如此“滔天大罪”只是,別人是什麼感受? Have you thought what others feel when you commit a crime 你又不是像愛因斯坦一樣的、不用卷就能成功的天才,再卷也改變不了你本身就是木魚腦袋的事實 Youre not Einstein, youre just a little swine 與其在這兒和正弦函數死磕還不如讓這函數圖像化作球場上那美妙的拋物線! Man yeh gotta draw your sine into a **** ing ballin line 再卷下去,你會全身發痛,你會昏厥,你會精疲力竭,你個傻瓜 Hey you gotta pain, you gotta faint, you gotta drain, you got no brain 你會在那堆破書中迷失自我、受盡折磨 You gotta lose yourself and drown beneath the pile of scrap, damn 所以你得停下來,盡情玩上一會兒;勞逸結合,享受這個世界 You gotta stop, you gotta play, you gotta pause, you gotta enjoy 調大音量,在美妙的說唱聲中喚醒那些迷茫的捲怪! You gotta turn the volume up and hear me rap and upem wake 我想找到真正的大佬 I need really real 那種罕見的、不用卷就能很diao的天才 I tryna find the rare real 我想成為真正的大佬 I mean really real 聽起來荒誕如童話,但我相信我能做到 A fairytale 本來還想再唱一遍副歌 I meant to leave a hook 但我有太多話想跟你講,beat也快結束了 But I gotta lotta thing to say to ya rook 不要招待我 Dont treat me food 這是一個很嚴肅的話題 This is not a chat, its a serious conversation 你應該豎起耳朵好好聽 You gotta nervous mood 你沒聽過狼來了這個故事嗎? And I gotta prove it to you, look 這次我相信你,但還會有下次嗎? The boy who cried wolf——crook 這首歌結束了 The beat end up 你也該醒醒了 Wish ya wake up