- Layto beauty 歌詞
- Layto
美人,皇后,女神 Beauty queen goddess 我記得你曾經教授過我們 I remember what you taught us 我知道已經過了一段時間 And I know it's been a while 但誠實如今令我精疲力盡 But I'm tired of being honest 我只是現在真的需要你 I just really need you now 我只是要確保萬無一失 I just need a safe bet 我只是得有些打勤獻趣 I just need to cozy up 我只是需要遺忘 I just needa forget 而時間 And time 只有一次 Just really one time 有無數種想法 Aye a million thoughts 它們在我腦海中閃過 And they runnin through my mind 諸如此類 And so and so 即使我知道 Although I know 她會如何去愛 How she gonna love 舊美人正歸家 Old beauty comin back home 美人啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我即將癲狂 Imma go crazy 你將我變成一個惡魔(fiend) You turning me into a fiend 我只想及時行樂 I just wanna doze off lately 我只想醉生夢死 I wanna feel hazy 噢它是如此甜蜜 Oh it's so so sweet 但寶貝離開我吧 But baby leave me 美人啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我即將癲狂 Imma go crazy 你將我變成一個惡魔( fiend) You turning me into a fiend 我只想及時行樂 I just wanna doze off lately 我只想醉生夢死 I wanna feel hazy 噢它是如此甜蜜 Oh it's so so sweet 但寶貝離開我吧 But baby leave me 你知道那種朝思暮想的感情 You know that feeling when you miss so much 你心緒翻湧 Your stomach in a knot 你知道那些細微之處並不篤定 You know that pinpoint ain't exacto 當你從這個想法出發 When you started with this thought 就像我眼裡的岬角 But like a cape to me 逐漸變得廣闊 Became a great to me 我們無話不說 We always talked 當每個人都在嫉妒我 When everybody hated me 你瞧 You see 所有的我的朋友們都在試圖變成 All my friends they try to be 爸爸媽媽會花時間去期待的模樣 What mom and dad spent time to see 但你和我 But you and me 我們從不回家 We never went home 我也從不孤獨 I never was alone 我見到過那些沒人知道的美好 I seen some beauty never known 我仍舊記得那時 I remember back then 那歡愉不值一文 Back then when the high was free 美麗啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我如今墮雲霧中 I' m a little hazy 請別來到我身邊 Please don't come to me 美麗的皇后小姐(Miss) Miss. beauty queen 我仍舊記得那時 I remember back then 那歡愉不值一文 Back then when the high was free 美人啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我如今墮雲霧中 I' m a little hazy 請別來到我身邊 Please don't come to me 美麗的皇后小姐(Miss) Miss. beauty queen 美麗啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我即將癲狂 Imma go crazy 你將我變成一個惡魔(fiend) You turning me into a fiend 我只想及時行樂 I just wanna doze off lately 我只想醉生夢死 I wanna feel hazy 噢它是如此甜蜜 Oh it's so so sweet 但寶貝離開我吧 But baby leave me 美人啊,寶貝 Beauty, baby 我即將癲狂 Imma go crazy 你將我變成一個惡魔(fiend) You turning me into a fiend 我只想及時行樂 I just wanna doze off lately 我只想醉生夢死 I wanna feel hazy 噢它是如此甜蜜 Oh it's so so sweet 但寶貝離開我吧 But baby leave me